goodbye summer
So today being the first full day of fall, I figured I should probably post my end of summer pictures before its like November.
Just some shots of the boys and their friends at the beach club toward the end of the summer.
It was so overcast, humid and almost misty at the beach that day. So you’ll see the pictures get a little fuzzier as the day goes on. However, they were all taken with my newly fixed 70-200 lens that I’m so happy is finally sharp!!
I taught Timmy how to boogie board this summer. So glad I did- he loved it!!!
Stupid rats with wings. But, the lens is nice and sharp!!
Uncle Nelson torturing Jack and then falling into the hole that the boys dug earlier.
Man, I miss the summer. A lot. Missing the lack of schedule, lazy days and beach & pool. A really lot.
Well, happy fall. (and I still have one more summery personal session to post so there will be one last glimpse of summer here on the blog coming soon).
the aria family
A new to bsquared family who I was so happy to photograph on the grounds of the Cathedral in Garden City. Dressed/styled by Finishing touches by Christine (who I highly recommend for any of you who are ‘fashion challenged’ for sessions like I am!) they looked amazing and had personalities to match.
I’ll leave the pictures to tell their fun family story.
introducing…custom framing with organic bloom
After all the build up, I’m so excited to introduce you to my newest obsession (and it may be yours too- they are like M&M’s, you can’t have just one!) Organic Bloom frames. They are like nothing else you’ve seen.
Available in every size imaginable from 2×3″ to 20×30″ and larger, including custom sizes. Over 50 colors available and 16 frame styles to choose from. So…check them out!
(*the single is just one single frame. the double stack is the frame shape with a rectangle backing behind it. the twin stack is two of the same shape frame stacked one on top of the other.)
The Charlie twin stack (top & bottom) & double stack (middle) (in 5×7″ in root beer, parchment and wine)
The Mary Ann single (in 20×30″ in black)
And the Lucy double stack (in 8×10″ in midnight blue, parchment and baby blue)
For all the details, you can find more information on the fabulous frames here: http://www.bsquaredphotography.net/?page_id=15087 (sorry, the live links don’t seem to be working, so just copy and paste that address into your browser) You can also visit by clicking on the b2 products menu, under organic bloom framing on the menu bar above.
And if you’ve made it this far, I have a little giveaway offer. If you’d like to win yourself a 4×6 single frame in your choice of color and style to start YOUR collection, leave a comment below about why you’d like to win a frame. I’ll choose a comment randomly and will notify the winner by Thursday evening. Good luck!
the ditc family
Well, three quarters of the family anyway. My fav girls (the daughters I’ll never have) make another bsquared blog appearance and you know I’m so happy to have the chance to take their photos again! This year, at the beach. Woohoo!!
Super glam. Love it!
Gorgeous. Both of them.
I didn’t even ask them to do this.
Barn on the beach? Ok, yes please.
Grabbed a few with their very pretty and sweet mom!
Is it possible that they get more gorgeous every year?
Yummy lens flare.
Thanks girls!! Hey, can we do it again next week?!
6 for Sunday
Don’t know if I have enough to make it to 6, but I’ll give it a try.
1. We had a hurricane. Timmy was all prepared. I mean, really. What else could you need besides a pair of comfy Star Wars pj’s, an industrial size vat of pretzels and a pair of flippers? Hurricane preparedness? He’s got it.
2. And then after the hurricane (like a few days after) when it was just a little rainy, we lost power. So, we had hail, an earthquake, a hurricane and we lose power from a little rain. Yeah, I don’t get it either.
3. Due to the stupid hurricane, the boys got totally ripped off out of their birthday party. I felt so bad for them. We were going to have a few friends to the country club for swimming and cake but Irene came and then the club was closed down for a few days. Perhaps the giant tree across the entire entrance to the pool was a problem. And their BFF was coming from Michigan and would have been at the party, but then they cancelled their trip due to the hurricane too. So no birthday party 🙁 John did take them, Timmy and 2 friends (Johnny and Liam) to the Mets game that night and then they slept over. Well, not exactly slept but they were over until 11am the next day.
4. Had a great time yesterday at Heather and Andy’s wedding (my sister in law’s sister). It was so nice to be a guest instead of a photographer. It was a super fun place (a beer garden) and some people who will remain nameless were overserved. Didn’t even bring the camera, all pix from the iphone. And photobooth.
5. I miss the beach and the summer. It got cold so fast and I’m not ready. The wrist warmers are not far from coming back out.
6. I know I’ve mentioned it a few times, but REALLY this time- the fabulous new frames I’ll be offering will be on the blog this week. And a frame giveaway is coming too- so stay tuned!! Hope everyone has a great Sunday.