the sant family
Its so much fun for me to watch this family grow and grow. When we first met, it was just the three girls with mom & dad. And in the two or three sessions we’ve done since, there have been two little boys added into the mix. If anyone should have more kids, it’s them! Such a great family dynamic between all of them. And I love to photograph it!
Of course, nothing’s easy or smooth in life and this shoot was a perfect example of that. Having nothing to do with the family, of course!! The bugs were just disgusting and everywhere. And biting. And then the worst part…we returned to the entrance of the beach to find that their double stroller with the infant car seat in it was missing. Stolen. Right off the beach, with their shoes in the bottom basket. Who does that? Did you get the part about the infant car seat in it? Poor mom was so upset and I felt terrible. Luckily, they took two cars to the shoot and there was an extra car seat in the other car. But what would’ve happened if they didn’t have the additional car seat? How would they have gotten home with the baby. The stroller was older and nothing fancy, and mom just hoped that whoever stole it needed it more than she did. But seriously, what the hell is wrong with people?! Well, I hope at least the photos make up for the stroller. A little.
the casa family
A friend from high school who I connected with (where else?) on Facebook met me up in Larchmont (about halfway between our two homes) for her session. Her awesome husband bought her a bsquared gift certificate for a session at Christmas and we had lots of fun chatting via email about the shoot possibilities. Between the rain, serious thunder and lightening and wind on the way up to Larchmont and while sitting in the car waiting on them, I never thought we’d get the shoot in. I flew thru the first bunch of shots/locations as I thought it would rain all over our session any second, but as luck would have it it ended up turning into a pretty nice day. We had a great session with their beautiful daughter who was so fun to hang out with. Her gorgeous eyes kept me captivated the whole shoot. She gets those from her mom for sure!
I love the Hello Kitty pink guitar that’s almost as big as she is. If I played guitar, I’d want one just like this! Her daddy got her the guitar (the girl can SING!) and he plays too. So cute to see them singing and playing together.
Thanks for a fantastic shoot! Great seeing you all!! I’m so glad we got the shoot in and didn’t just drive an hour each for a lunch date!! (although lunch would’ve been nice too, but rescheduling our shoot would have been bad!)
the crof family
My second time photographing these cutie pie’s and their fantastic parents. The little guy was only about 4 weeks when I last saw them and now he’s a big (little) guy, sitting up on his own and everything! The boys are so cute and sweet and a joy to photograph. And I loved seeing all my photographs from our last session displayed in their home!
How much do you love this face?!
and they’re off {back to school}
After a really fantastic summer, I was actually pretty sad this morning to send the boys off to school. I decided this summer that there would be no camps, no schedules, no ‘real’ activities other than the beach and pool. It could’ve gone either way, but it ended up being fantastic. I feel like they’ll only be able to do this once or twice in their lives so I thought we’d make the most of it while we can. And it was seriously great! Sleeping late was really nice, too! As was the Carvel pretty much every night.
But all that came to a screeching halt this morning, getting up at 7am (ugh), making lunches and getting everyone to school. They are all looking forward to a great year with the big boys in 7th and Timmy in 1st. Its nice for them all not to be the littlest fish in the pond this year.
They all look so big. Waaaaa!
The big boys both had nice schedules with good teachers and some friends in their classes. I think they’re looking forward to seeing a bunch of their 6th grade friends in their school this year. They’ll be playing on two baseball teams this fall (one travel, one town), the school football team, they will be in religion, doing a bunch of community service, want to join Jazz band, Patrick wants to start a school newspaper, homework, etc. It’s going to be a busy one!
And Timmy going off to 1st grade? Unreal! He has Mrs. Powers who I just adore and know he’ll have a fantastic year with her! Patrick had her for first grade and we all thought she was wonderful and Timmy’s so excited to have her. Plus, his BFF Jack is in his class along with Ms. McClain (Jack’s nurse). Really, can’t get much better than that! Oh, and we’re trying a new lunchbox for Timmy this year to help be a little more green. The Goodbyn is pretty cool and Timmy was excited to use it. Maybe he’ll eat his whole lunch! (one can hope). His backpack was pretty heavy with the lunch, water bottle and school supplies- he was having a bit of a problem standing upright.
The house is eerily quiet and I miss my boys. However, the beds are all made, counters wiped down, dishwasher emptied and reloaded, already one load of laundry washed, dried and folded (with more to go…always), phone calls made and returned, emails answered and sent, house picked up and grocery list ready for me to hit the stupid market. And it’s not even 10:30am! I forgot I could be so efficient!
I can’t wait for them to get home so I can hear all about it!
introducing… the 2011 bsquared holiday card collection
Hey, anyone still here…. *crickets*. I know the blog has been a little neglected and quiet lately, but that is all about to change for the rest of the forseeable future. I have family sessions, events, 10 for Tuesdays and new products coming your way.
On the new products front, (how was that for a segue?!) you can see the new bsquared holiday card collection with pricing details here: http://www.bsquaredphotography.net/?page_id=14762 And the entire collection can be viewed larger http://bsquaredphotography.smugmug.com/B22011/holiday-cards-2011/18692817_5HbRwj.
I’m working with a new vendor this year and am so excited to be bringing you some amazing die cut cards and new shapes this year. This year, cards can also be ordered in any amount (over 25), and can even be ordered with your return address printed on the envelopes! Prices listed are for smooth, linen or pearl finish and do not include NYS sales tax. (bamboo paper and gloss finish are also available for an additional charge).
The colors and sentiments on the cards can be changed to suit your needs.
Would love to hear from you on your thoughts from this year’s collection. Hope you love them!