the rega family
Although I’ve photographed the girls several times before, this was my first time photographing the whole family. And we’ve known eachother for about 11 years! We stayed down at our beach club (we all belong to sun & surf which is where we met) until sunset to get our session started and had a great time. Even dad who is not a fan of the photos said “that wasn’t so bad!” with more than a little shock in his voice. I’ve learned to take that as a compliment from the fathers that I shoot.
the gaff family {beach}
Are you sick of the beach shoots yet? I certainly hope not as there are more than a few left to showcase here on the blog and for me to take in the upcoming weeks. Like this one- a family of 7 I’m sure you’ve seen before on the bsquared blog. We made it in just (really, just. you could see the lightening in the not too far distance) before a horrible storm hit down at our beach club. But we did get it, so I’m happy!
Happy September (ugh) to all of my bsquared readers. The September newsletter is coming, but I’m waiting for a few products to come in before I have it ready to send to you. Hang in there.
the kell family (rhode island)
So after my previous post/shoot on the East end of LI, I hopped on the Cross Sound Ferry and headed on over to RI (by way of CT) for my next shoot. Love this family- they always make me feel so welcome and at home. We went to their local beach for a little fun and pictures. Even included their cousins for some photos for the grandparents.
He loathes having his picture taken. A lot. Just like his dad and grandpa. But we managed a few smiles anyway.
This little guy was all smiles.
A beauty with a super cute smile and bubbly personality.
And this guy rocked every second of our shoot. He was posing for every picture, picking out his own locations, and had the cutest little smile.
The cousins.
And of course, a little jumping off the lifeguard stands.
Thanks, L for having me up, letting me chill on your deck and for a great shoot!!
the trio family
Well, if nothing else Hurricane Irene gave me some time to catch up on all the shoots I’m behind on editing. We’re all fine here and thankfully sustained no damage from the hurricane, just a somewhat sleepless night and lots of moving of furniture from outside to the garage. To those of you with flooding, downed trees, no power, smooshed cars, blocked roads…I’m thinking of you all.
This extended family was a whole lot of fun to photograph out on the east end. (I’m hoping that their beach is still there.) With 7 kids 4 years old and younger including 2 sets of twins and a one month old, I definitely had my work cut out for me! But with the help of some really fun parents and grandparents, we did great!
The sun was super bright that morning at the beach but we did the best we could under the conditions.
The whole family! All looking at once!!
Fraternal twin boys.
Identical twin girls.
And the big brothers to the one month old baby girl.
And eveyone one last time before I packed up and jumped on the ferry to CT on my way to RI.
Had a great time with all of you! Thanks for the singing and cheering-I couldn’t get the song out of my head the rest of the day! Hope you enjoy your photos.
the danz families
Our annual East Hampton shoot had a new twist this year- the WHOLE family. It was great to meet the other parts of the family and it was so nice that they were all able to get together. They were celebrating birthdays and anniversaries and it just happened to work out with the photoshoot schedule. I actually have a few extended family shoots coming up on the blog over the next week or two.
We totally lucked out with the weather- it was threatening rain the entire shoot and we got it all in before it really did rain! Let’s hope we are all so lucky today with Irene. Wishing all of my blog stalkers a safe hurricane!
Hang on for lots of pictures- it was a big shoot!!
They are the cutest couple. Ever.
Giggles on the beach. Let’s hope the beach is still there after the weekend.
And wishing C &S congrats on their recent engagement (which happened within a few days of these pictures)!