My good friend Marianne is now a certified Yoga Massage Therapist (at least that’s what I think it’s called). She will be giving Thai Yoga Massages starting this fall at the Yoga & Polarity Center in Malverne. She gave me two massages, and they were both great! I highly recommend her! Marianne needed some headshots and some images of her at work for her new business so I went to see her in action and snap away.
Looks so good and relaxing, right? Many thanks to Fran for being Marianne’s client for the morning!
And this is my favorite. It’s just SO her!
the mull family
And still another new to bsquared family with the most gorgeous family members! Their little girl was like a baby doll and was such a pleasure to photograph. Although the dogs at the park were much more interesting to her than I was with my camera, singing and goofy noises. Can’t say I blame her.
Their home was lovely and we even got to head over to a park in Larchmont that I love shooting at. A fun little backstory: Mom & Dad met in college (Sienna) and have named their daughter after the place they met. So cute!
I’m telling you, they are straight out of a magazine.
Their yard was awesome and a great place for some photos.
The park in Larchmont.
Tutu and hat love.
I think the only reason I’ll ever be sad I don’t have a girl is the clothing. She’s a baby doll!!
So great meeting you! Thanks for a great shoot (and sorry about the parking ticket again!) with lots of fun and giggles. And tutus.
the lev family
Still another new to bsquared family who I had the pleasure of hanging out with and taking lots of pictures for them. Two really fun and funny boys to chase after! They had a great multi-tiered backyard and a great family dynamic with lots of reading, swinging, cuddling and playing!
the gold family
Another new to bsquared family who I was happy to meet and photograph, especially with cuties like these two! And their doggie too. It was pretty hard getting the two of them in a more posed shot together, so we just had some fun and got some great images anyway!
A little devilish smile and twinkly eyes.
He’s already going out cruising chicks. But between the red Mustang and that cute face, how could they really resist?
Love the dog following along.
Great meeting all of you! Enjoy all your photos!
the raym family
This new to bsquared family was gifted with a shoot for their daughters 1st birthday by a good friend who is also Miss S’s uncle. I got to meet a little girl with a very BIG personality! I adored photographing her and loved seeing the many aspects to her huge personality!
(also trying a new format for the portrait pictures today. do you like them larger like this?)
happy family!
Pretty girls!
Thanks for a great session!