• occassions & parties,  prom

    adam’s prom

    After graduation, it’s prom time in Oceanside. Beautiful weather and lots of good looking guys & girls headed out for a big night.

    So handsome!There were about 1,000 parents there and next to impossible to get in there for a shot of the whole group. Adam’s date (just a friend and a really nice girl!). Loved the color of her dress and their coordinating-ness!Adam’s boys. Again, couldn’t get up front for a shot so I snuck around the other side and got my own angle. And here too. But then everyone found my side and I had to get out of dodge. But I got the shot first! Thanks Adam for being patient for more pictures! Love you!!

  • food,  personal & corporate branding {headshots}

    Kasey’s roofdeck

    Have I mentioned lately that I love my job? Got a message from Tommy & Eric from Kasey’s asking if I was interested in photographing their brand new roofdeck bar & restaurant. Uh…yeah! Couldn’t get up there fast enough. And here’s what I shot.

    How gorgeous is this place? You MUST get up there asap!

    Did a few food and beverage shots for them as well for use on their website, facebook page, advertising, etc. I wasn’t hungry when I started but by the time I was done, I was starving!!!A coconut martini. Wow.Got this one to go for dinner. And yum!!Tommy special ordered a rainbow, just to make the pictures prettier. You totally feel like you are on vacation up there. I can’t wait to take the boys and John up! Hope to see a lot of you up there!

  • bsquared business

    the fall 2011 bsquared calendar is now open for booking

    Good morning, everyone! You can now book September- November for your bsquared photoshoot. A few things (please read first before booking your shoot):

    -dates are limited and I’m not adding in any more this year. So please book now before you get shut out.

    November 20th will be the last day available to book sessions this year. I will not be taking any sessions after 11/20 for holiday delivery. Sorry, but NO exceptions. Very limited bookings will be available in December but your photos from December bookings will not be available to view until mid January 2012. If you have a December date, please email me so we can discuss booking it.

    -dates and times will be assigned on a first come, first served basis. I WILL ANSWER ALL EMAILS IN THE ORDER IN WHICH THEY ARE RECEIVED. I will email you back as quickly as possible letting you know if you have your date and time. Please just keep in mind I have all 3 of my boys home all summer and am still working more than full time at bsquared. I will do my best to answer as soon as I can.

    -when you pick your date and time, you can email them to me at bethbeyrer@yahoo.com

    -sessions outside of Nassau County (especially Westchester and NJ) will have to be booked for the first appointment in the morning ONLY. (*unless the first appointment is already in that area. then you can book the 2nd appointment for the day. email me for details).

    -there will be a few mini session days available. Mini sessions are only available at a specified location on on specific days.

    -thru the end of September, BEACH SHOOTS ONLY at 5/6pm.

    -if the date and time is in GREEN, it’s available. If it’s in black, it is not.

    -there are still some dates left in August.

    You can find the most up to date bsquared calendar here: http://www.bsquaredphotography.net/?page_id=11081

    Looking forward to seeing all of you this year!!

  • children & families,  couples,  occassions & parties

    the demil family

    I do love extended family shoots, especially when they are for a really happy occassion like a wedding anniversary. Had a great one with tons of good looking family members including a friend/past client and a high school friend.

    Yeah, that’s a whole lotta people!

    How it all began…The afore mentioned friend and HS friend. Janine, I can tell you reeeeeeeally didn’t want me to take the picture, but your gorgeous anyway! And Maura, you are looking way too young!A little pool fun at the end. All 9 grandchildren. We worked hard for this shot, including a ball being bounced off of my head.  Thanks for a fun end for what was a very busy day for me. Wishing I could’ve dove right into that pool, too!

  • children & families

    the griff family

    Another new to bsquared family who I just adored. Such truly nice, nice people with great smiles and a fun and loving family dynamic. Can you ask for more than that?

    Totally think that this guy and my boys would be friends if they knew eachother. A beauty with freckles. Loooooove the freckles. And I was told this one was the ‘wild card’. She was awesome and photographs amazingly!Mom is an OT and a published author of Picky, picky Pete. A book about a boy with sensory issues. She has a new book coming out soon, too! So awesome!!Cutest couple!! Great meeting all of you! Hope you enjoy the rest of your summer!!