hewitt 5th grade graduation
A few of the graduates from the 2011 5th grade class. Parents, you should be receiving an email with the link to the album with all of the graduates photos. Hope you enjoy them! Congrats to all the graduates, enjoy your summer and good luck at the middle school next year!!
10 for tuesday
Wow, that week went so fast. Can’t believe it’s time for another installment of 10 for Tuesday, but here goes: (all pix are from the iphone)
1. Hope everyone enjoyed their 4th of July weekend. I worked all day Saturday, stayed in on the rainy Sunday (but did a ton of work) and beached it on Monday. It turned out to be a gorgeous day!
2. Had dinner on Monday at The Fisherman’s Catch in Pt. Lookout and it was fantastic. The view didn’t stink either.
3. Working on so much bsquared stuff. New additions to the packing of your orders, new products, the fall bsquared calendar, the July newsletter, new vendors, ordering samples. All while trying to edit the 10,000 or so shoots that I’m behind on. I can’t wait to show you some of the new products- they’re awesome! Oh, and the fall calendar will be available for booking in about 10 days. If you haven’t yet signed up for the newsletter, you can just click on the purple tab on the left side of the blog.
4. Looking forward to photographing baby Jake this week. And of course his uberfabulous mom and dad. Haven’t seen them since the birth session and I can’t wait to see how he’s grown and changed already!
5. Saw Cars 2 this weekend- it was cute but I still liked the first one better. Also saw Super 8 with the boys last week and loooooooved it!! Patrick was freaking out saying “idon’twannawatchthismovie,idon’twannawatchthismovie” after the first 10 minutes, but then he settled in and ended up loving it. Highly recommend it. Shades of ET, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Stand By Me & It (Stephen King)- all my favorites.
6. Timmy has been “diving” as of late. It is THE funniest thing ever and I laugh every time I watch him dive. He looks like a cartoon character- he goes straight out. And then straight down. I will try to get it on video this summer.
7. I have a few openings coming up for sessions if anyone is interested: (please email me at bethbeyrer@yahoo.com if you’d like to book one of those dates/times)
Sunday 7/10- 1pm, 3pm
Saturday 7/16- 12pm, 2pm, 4pm
Saturday 7/30-9am, 4pm
8. Looks like the baseball trip for this year is all settled and booked. I’ll be in Minneapolis, Chicago and Milwaukee in early August. Anyone out there want to hire me for a shoot? Pleeeeeeeease?! (so then I have a legit excuse for skipping some of the games). I’d love to shoot in a new city, so if you know of anyone who you think would be interested, please pass on my info.
9. Currently reading The Hunger Games on the Kindle and really enjoying it. My book list is so totally long and I just keep on adding more. Guess it’ll be helpful for the baseball trip…
10. Here’s the annual cousins shot from Fathers Day. If you receive my in law’s card, please forget the picture right after you see it so it’ll be a surprise on the card this year. Ok? Good. (oh and for those of you new to the blog, yes there are 8 first cousins. And they are all boys.)
Hope you have a great week! Lots of pictures to come so stay tuned!
introducing…jack cooper
My very good friends Sharon & Dave welcomed their third (via C-section, so I couldn’t photograph the birth no matter how much I wanted to!) baby on Friday afternoon. And although I couldn’t get into the OR for pictures, I did get to see, hold and photograph Jack in the hospital about 8hrs after he was born. He’s weighing in at 7lbs, 2oz (but is pretty solid so he feels much heavier when you hold him) and has a full head of hair with lots of blonde highlights. He’s soooo cute and was wide awake the whole time I was in the hospital visiting but not even one little cry. According to Sharon he was awake like that and no crying for about 3 hrs. In a row!! I’m hoping he’ll be her low maintenence baby!
I’ll be back to take more pictures of Jack (the real newborn shoot with nice natural light, not crappy hospital bed lighting) in about 2 weeks, so be on the lookout for those. I saw Olivia & Gavin along with their grandparents in the lobby on my way in and their way out. They (well, Olivia & her grandparents) were SO excited and Olivia is totally smitten with her new baby brother.
That’s some kind of eye contact from an 8 hour old baby!!!
How great does Sharon look?
First family photo. Congrats to all of you!! Love you guys! xo
alexis’s bat mitzvah
I had the best time photographing the lovely Alexis and her family on her special day. Loved the whole Broadway/Red carpet theme, the DJ (DJ Jeff Yahney) was awesome and kept the party totally hopping the whole afternoon. I think everyone there had a great time. Mazel Tov, Alexis! You are a doll!!
Nothing like a little lens flare to start the day.
There are no pictures allowed in the Synagogue so I just grabbed a few quick ones before any of the guests arrived.
The party was at Lawrence Country Club and was really fantastic.
A little of the candle lighting ceremony.
Can you see the fake and fun Hasidic Jews in the background?
These ‘dance head’ videos were so much fun!
The kid in the pink hat was the life of the party and can dance like no one’s business! I’m totally hiring him for my next party!
Thanks for letting me capture your day, Alexis!
timmy’s kindergarten graduation (& after party)
Ok, so I’m a little behind in blogging this but last week my little guy graduated from the BEST year in Kindergarten, ever. Not only was his class terrific, and all the kids got along so well, but he had the best teacher (Ms. Jackson) and classroom nurse (Ms. McClain) and it all made for a year that I hope he’ll always remember.
Timmy learned so much this year, is a huge & excellent reader (hope he follows after his brothers in this) and is still one of the happiest kids I know. So proud of our Timmy!
And can you die of the hat?
Singing Katy Perry’s Firework. So, so stinkin cute!!!
I don’t know what pearls of wisdom Patrick was relaying to Gavin here. Maybe some advice on being a great big brother? (Sharon is due with #3 this week!!)
Grandma & Grandpa
With Ryan & Sean.
Grandma & Grandpa, and torturing Daddy.
My smart boys! Jack & Patrick blew off their 8:15-10:30 school day so they could come to Timmy’s graduation. Such great big brothers they are!
Timmy & Olivia.
Love my littlest graduate. Cannot believe that Kindergarten is over and that he’ll be going to 1st grade next year. This year flew by and it makes me a little sad. Just want him to slow down a little.
Timmy & Jack. Never far apart these two.
They asked to take a picture by their brick.
Jen & Brian hosted a graduation party for some of us at their house. Fun!!
Mateo & Jack.
Happy Summer!!
And in all honesty, I think I was/am more excited that school is over than the boys!