• birthdays,  occassions & parties

    erin’s 40th

    The lovely Erin turned 40 recently and had a big party at Two Steak and Sushi Den to celebrate. She asked me to photograph a bit of her evening and I was more than happy to. Two is super trendy and has such cool decor. I’m sure the food was great too!

    Such a pretty birthday girl!!The birthday girl with her parents and her sons. How cute is that baby?! Happy birthday Erin!

  • beach,  bsquared business,  personal,  school

    10 for Tuesday

    I’ve got lots to share today, so here goes:

    1. I know I have quite a few clients, prom attendees & their parents, graduates, etc waiting for their photos. I’ve been up until at least 2am pretty much every night and am working as hard as I can to get your pictures out to you. Summertime is always a little slower on the editing process as I don’t have the whole school day to myself to work, everything has to get done at night. So, just to keep you all updated, here is the order in which your pictures should be appearing on the blog. One post per day and figure a few days in there for personal posts while I edit the client shoots. Order is subject to change as well, but it’s a general outline.

    Erin’s 40th

    Alexis’s Bat Mitzvah

    Hewitt Graduation

    Elizabeth’s prom

    Adam’s graduation

    The Kelly Family

    The Tepper Family

    The Griffin Family

    The DeMilt Family

    Adam’s prom

    2. It seems impossible that there can possibly be the sheer volume of laundry we have in this house. I’m doing at least a load a day (more like 2-3) and there is always more to do. The worst part? The freakin socks. The multiply, then divide and do some square root thing that I couldn’t calculate and ends up being 3 socks in a pair. I give up.

    3. At the beach yesterday, it was a mini Ms. Jackson’s class reunion. (credit to Mary T. for the photo- thanks Mary!!) Luke (not pictured- he was in the ocean), Timmy, Mateo, Ali & Kristen. They were so glad to see eachother even though they’ve only been apart since Friday. It’ll be a great summer at the beach!!

    Also pictured, Patrick with his huge sandcastle he built with Robert last weekend. They built another one today but I was rushing to make it to Adam’s on time and couldn’t take a picture.

    4. John’s nasty leg and belly rash are back with a vengence. All the doctors he’s seen are saying it isn’t cellulitis again (thank god) but they don’t know what the hell it is. So they took two samples to biopsy to try to figure it out. He’s an itchy mess and I wish they could just fix it once and for all.

    5. Had a date with Timmy to SushiYa and we had a great time. He chowed down on the yellowtail (it’s his favorite) and the beef teriaki (with no sauce and no sesame seeds) and rice with soy sauce. And I also spotted this awesome van in the parking lot. The name on it was Dharma Deliveries. Omg, I miss LOST.

    6. Some recent flower shots. Some with the big girl camera, some with the iphone. Just cause they’re pretty. Still have to take some shots of my hydrangeas in the backyard (blue ones).

    7. My friend Valerie started a blog about mom’s and their business ventures and she was nice enough to interview me for it! You can find it here: momunition

    8. Spent the day Sunday at the beach with my great friend Celeste and her girls. They moved down to Georgia a few years back and the girls spend most of the summer up here with their grandparents. We all had such a great time and it was so good seeing the girls and my boys getting along so well, so quickly. They haven’t seen eachother in forever (at least 3 years) and after 10 minutes of weirdness, it was all good. They’ve known eachother since they were 3 months old and we met at Gymboree. I do love long time friends.

    (ok, just ignore the fact that I’m way blurry).

    9. Just so happy it’s summer! I made an executive decision a few weeks back that we weren’t doing anything this summer. No more schedules, no more waking up early with an alarm clock. Now, this has the potential to go really well or really, really badly. I’m hoping for a relaxing, fun summer with lots of last minute plans with friends, lots and lots of beach days and pool days. So far, so good. Except for some attitudes, rolling eyes and yelling (the yelling part is me) we’re doing really well. And even though it’s only been since Friday that school’s been over, Timmy has already asked when Ms. Jackson and Ms. McClain are coming over to visit him.

    10. Just wanted to thank everyone who left a comment, emailed me, called me, facebooked me or told me in person on the great feedback on the birth shoot. I was already contacted by 2 expectant moms and I’m hoping we can work it out for another bunch of birth sessions!

    Happy summer to everyone!! Stay tuned to the blog- lots more pictures to come!!

  • children & families,  graduation,  school

    joseph’s graduation

    One of my favorite bsquared clients with the best smiles around graduated from St. Agnes (8th grade) earlier this month. I was so happy I was there to capture his day for his family. There are some familiar faces in the crowd, too.

    I think he looks pretty proud of himself, as well he should. Off to Chaminade next year!

    My across the street neighbor and a previous bsquared client. The twins I photographed a few weeks ago. Getting their last minute instructions. With a very proud mom and dad. (this was my first time meeting dad, which is pretty funny considering I’ve known mom for about 9 years!)Receiving his diploma from Father Bill. Neighbor and one twin receiving theirs, too. The whole family. Joseph’s always all about the ladies. It only took 2 times to get these shots. Love these- my favorites.  Congrats to you Joseph and good luck next year! I know you’ll do great- you’re just that kinda guy!!!

  • children & families,  confirmations,  occassions & parties

    emily’s confirmation

    Even though we didn’t end up vacationing together this year, I did get to take some pictures of one of my favorite families for Emily’s Confirmation. Another day where we barely evaded the rain, but it was beautiful anyway.

    Please excuse the lack of narrative, I’m totally in the weeds for the next few days. It’s been crazy here!

  • personal,  school

    middle school awards night

    We  were all pretty excited when we got the letters home from school saying that both Jack & Patrick were going to be receiving some kind of award on Tuesday night. They don’t tell you what award you’ll be receiving and when you get there, the program is just an outline of all the awards for the night, so you are in suspense until they call your name.

    Some friends receiving their Citizenship awards: Maddie, Tess, JP, Kayla, Julie & MatthewTodd receiving a music award, Ryan receiving an A for Effort award. Hannah, the daughter I’ll never have, receiving one of her two Language Arts awards (she and the boys received the same reading award! See, told you we were almost related!)Liam receiving one of his two awards for band. He’s a really talented slide trombone player. Zach receiving one of his three awards (2 for languages, one for chess).Jack & Patrick receiving their ‘voracious readers’ awards. It had already, but those Kindles just paid for themselves. Again. They got medals and also a $10 gift card each to Barnes and Nobel. And receiving their departmental academic awards for Social Studies. They were so happy (so were we)! And not surprised that it was Social Studies! It was a great night with two awards each (pretty funny that they both got both awards, but SO thankful it worked out that way or living here could’ve been very, very ugly. Does anyone remember Jack singing at the Islanders and being in the spelling bee and Patrick not? Yeah, not my favorite time of having twins.) And we topped it off with a trip to Carvel (where else?) Very proud of you, boys!! Keep up the good work for 7th grade!