• babies,  children & families

    the mcdev family

    Three small cuties were a great way to start out a busy day of shooting. Shoots like these with three (or more) kids 6 and under can go either way- really great and fun, or really hard and challenging. Lucky for me, I got the great and fun!!

    Yes, he’s 6. So grown up and mature!!Boys in trees, girls in swings- all makes for a happy photographer.Couldn’t decide on color or black and white. So I’m showing you both. This one’s full of pep and giggles. And the little guy had to get woken up from his nap for his pictures. This, too, could go either way. I got lucky again and he was great!Thanks again for starting off my day in giggles and smiles! Hope you enjoy your pictures! (and next year, Mom & Dad- you ARE getting in some! Consider yourselves forewarned.)

  • personal

    a date day with timmy

    Last week, since Timmy’s teacher was going to be out that day anyway, I decided we needed a date day for just me and my boy. I used to do it with the big boys when they were little and it was always so nice spending a school day together- not in school! Made for some good memories. At least for me and I hope for them too.

    We decided on miniature golf at Eisenhower Park (I still miss Nunleys!), a trip to Target for some new legos, lunch from Subway and a carpet picnic while watching Finding Nemo. It was a good day.

    We were the only ones on the golf course.

    Can you find the timmy?Bad shot, bad lighting, but cute cute boy.The last hole. He was convinced that the ball was coming back and looked for it for about 5 minutes. 

  • children & families

    the burk family

    Janice and I were introduced thru a number of mutual friends on Facebook and really hit it off quickly. More of the same warped sense of humor! I was so glad to finally get to do a family photo shoot for them, which was booked around the time of her twins graduation from 8th grade and their 15th birthday. It’s been a busy week at their house!

    You know that expression “a day late and a dollar short”? That is me with these pictures. I was hoping to have them ready in time for either the twins graduation party (Saturday) or their birthday (yesterday). Sorry! But better late than never, so here you go!

    Such a great looking (formal) bunch!

    Pretty, pretty!This one was so composed and grown up as well as gorgeous. And the twins. Obviously fraternal. Congrats to you on your graduation and happy birthday boys!No one wanted to smile really. So I did all I could to get them to laugh. This is them trying their hardest not to laugh. And looking at this picture makes me laugh!And the youngest. If you are a blog stalker you may recognize his handsome face from St. Baldricks in March. Just picture him with no hair…5 kids. All so good looking- what are the odds on that?!And a little (nonformal) family fun shot.
    Well, even if I was later with the pictures than I had wanted, I hope that things have settled down enough from all the celebrations for you to sit down and enjoy them Janice & family. Hope you like them. xo

  • baseball,  personal

    the boys last baseball game

    Well, not forever or anything. Just for the Spring season on their DJ Hannon team, which was a great team by the way. Lots of super nice kids on the team, and of course some great coaches too (I may be a little partial to the coaches since the Manager was my brother in law Tom (also known as Uncle That Guy) and my husband (also known as John)! They were so supportive of eachother and just a good bunch of kids. They made it pretty far into the playoffs (further than before) and even though this was the last game, they played it with heart!

    Lots of pictures which aren’t the best- at least not as close up as I had wanted. I only brought one lens as it is sooooooooo dusty up at the field, I wasn’t about to go swapping out lenses and getting my nicely cleaned cameras full of dirt dust. And the lens I brought is more all-purpose (24-70 2.8/f) than sports (70-200 2.8/f) cause I wanted to be able to get some shots in the dugout too. With the big guns lens, the dugout wouldn’t have happened.

    Jack had a good game. He made a bunch of good plays at first, had a hit and a walk. In the games the previous weekend, he also played first in both games and did a great job! (Two weeks ago, the boys were called up to a National League game as that team was short players and then had a playoff game for their team immediately following at the same field. So it was baseball from 4:30pm-9:30pm, with dinner at almost 10pm for all of us! They were sooooo happy to be playing non-stop baseball for 5 hours!)A nice hit!!Joe B.- love his expression here. My nephew Brendan.Patrick pitched a 1-2-3 inning, walked once. In the games the previous weekend he got two hits, an amazing catch of a line drive at first and came in to pitch the final 2 outs of the last inning and got the last two batters out, won the game 7-6 with the bases loaded. Even I was at the edge of my seat. Waaaaaay too pressurey for me, but so happy he did so well!!The infamous J-Mac. This kid is speedy! Like really, really speedy.And has the best team spirit!One more of Patrick at bat. The opposing team, but caught a few shots for friends.
    Timmy spent most games in the dugout, playing the ipad or the DS. He was the team mascot. 
    Doritos and smiles with Joe B.
    And with J-Mac.End of game pep talk from the Coach.And that’s that. Until summer baseball starts. 

  • children & families,  communions

    pierce’s first communion

    Had a great time photographing this family for their son’s first communion celebration down at ABC. I think another year of shooting down there and I will have an honorary membership!

    I’m really sorry but you’l have to excuse the short narrative as I’m writing this at about 2am and am so tired!! But aren’t they a great looking family? And SO so nice!!

    Let me tell you that this kid had moves!! He was on the dance floor all afternoon. Seems like there is one of these photos from every boy’s communion I shoot. They just had identical twin girls and this was their first outing!This was definitely a partying bunch!!And even though it was chilly and overcast, you know the boys couldn’t pass up the beach!

    Thanks for a great, fun, dancing afternoon!!