owen’s first communion
A new to bsquared family who met me up at the Cathedral reeeeeeeeally early the morning of Owen’s communion for some photos. We just missed the rain (it was misty and damp during, but actual rain drops within 5 minutes of the end of the shoot) and got some great shots. Loved these kids- so cute and fun! Even at 8am!! (Personally, I’m just so impressed that Mom was able to get three small kids up and fully dressed in their best clothes, hair done, and both grownups all put together and out the door all before 8am!)
Such a handsome guy!
Pretty mommy. Love the necklace!
Siblings (sooooo cute!)
How cute is this little angel?
Great getting to photograph all of you and a great way to start off a day! Still more communions to come…
memorial day weekend- the mets & the movies
It was a crazy fun weekend. Until….
Just kidding. Sorta.
Friday night I took Timmy to a sushi dinner date and to see Kung Fu Panda 2 while Jack & Patrick went to the Mets game with John. We met Jen, Jack & Michael there too. A few snaps from the iphone.
Saturday was an all day beach day and Saturday night was dinner at Churchill’s (aka Uncle Nelson’s). Sunday was the beach again followed by a redo of Kung Fu Panda 2 with the big boys, their two friends Robert and Johnny and Timmy and I. The big boys were bummed they missed it the first time, so I was nice and took them all. Again. Monday was an all day beach day, too. When making Monday’s plans with Christine, John told me to ask them to the Mets game as we had 8 tickets. I tried plying Christine with staying on the beach and dinner out but she decided on the Mets game so I had to go, too. The boys were thrilled that I was having my first visit to Citifiield!!!!!! I was not. But I sucked it up and did it and now they cannot ask me to go again until at least next year. At least.
TimTom (thanks Inez for the 3rd cousin clarification!) who could actually be fraternal twins. They stand the same, run the same, have the same build, etc. For 3rd cousins, the resembelence is a little scary!!
They totally look like twins here.
I’m not touching you….I’m not touching you…
Carvel in a pink hat. Other than the fact that it was at a baseball game, that part was really good!
Photographic proof that I was actually there. We stayed until the very, very end too.
Sorry for the delay on today’s post. The blog was down for a while this morning. The boys have their 3rd round baseball playoff game tonight- hope they play as well as they did on Saturday!! More details on that coming soon.
memorial day weekend-the beach
Only a week behind on getting these posted.
Last weekend we spent pretty much the whole time at the beach. I can’t remember ever going that early and having such hot weather and seeing so many people in the ocean, including my own kids! It was definitely a little ummm….shall we say….brisk? in the ocean but it was way warmer than May should be.
Christine, Jayson and Tommy joined us on Monday down at the beach and we had a fantastic time!
Almost 12!! Seriously?
Timmy and Tommy. Otherwise known as TimTom. So alike, it’s a little scary. Someone help me out with this to figure out what ‘kind’ of cousins they are- Timmy’s great grandpa was brothers with Tommy’s great grandpa. So what does that make them?
Jayson is really just a large kid. And Patrick kept taking out the little kids. He got payback later on.
This is what summer looks like at our beach.
Timmy’s pal Mateo and his family joined the beach club this year so I’m sure they will be together a LOT.
Sweaty, sandy and happy. Ahhhh summer, how I’ve missed you!!
And when I said they went IN the ocean, I wasn’t kidding.
Timmy executed some pretty stealth sneak attacks on Jayson with the watercannons. Paybacks are imminent.
There is nothing I don’t love about this picture. Check out the little guys in the foreground.
Hope all of you had a great weekend last weekend and memorial day weekend too. More to come on Memorial Day weekend in photos soon.
I was so happy to hear that Kim & Sean’s baby boy, Gavin, arrived about a week ago. And even more happy when they called me to take some photographs of him. And when he was a sleepy guy that I could pose however I wanted? Well, that just took the cake!
That’s some eye contact for a 1 week old.
Big brother who grew about a foot since I saw him at the maternity shoot we did a few months ago.
Such a happy little family.
A recreation of one of my favorites from their maternity session. Except now with a whole other person in the picture.
I knew I wanted the shot in the window box at the maternity shoot. So glad I got it!
Congratulations to you, Kim & Sean. Gavin’s a doll (and a joy to photograph). You are going to make the best parents!!
joseph’s first communion
Still in the thick of communion season posting and editing, so you’ll have to excuse the shortened narrative for this post. Joseph was NOT a fan of getting his picture taken but I think we got some pretty great stuff nonetheless. I’m betting you couldn’t tell that he wasn’t thrilled with the camera in this shot though. I think he was much happier once the tie and jacket (and shoes and socks) came off.
Great looking family. Joseph faked it sooo well!
His mom and aunt/godmother helping with the boutiniere.
Joseph’s little brother is quite a ham for the camera. So opposite!
And I couldn’t get enough of this little one’s curls. So, so cute!!
When a child who doesn’t really like to get his picture taken, asks for a picture (even in the shower) you oblige. He then hid in the ottoman/blanket box to escape having to take more pictures. A good sign that I was done for a little while.
So instead, you take some pictures of some pretty and willing subjects!
A few immediately following the mass.
And then party time!
Those cupcakes never stood a chance!
A few familiar faces.
My favorites from the day, for sure.
Joseph, thanks for tolerating me as much as you did! Hope the rest of the party was as much fun as the part I was there for!