• birthdays,  children & families

    annabella’s 1st birthday

    I really, really love my job! Not only did I get to be there as this little girl arrived in America, met her daddy and brothers for the first time at the airport, but I got to see her (and her mom & dad who I really adore) again for a 1st birthday shoot. She’s settling in beautifully and is so gorgeous and sweet and just so interested in everything! We played and I even got to hear a few little giggles. So sweet!!

    Is she not totally perfect?!

    Jennifer said that when people see her and Ed with Annabella and without the boys, they think that she’s their first baby. They do have that glow of new parenthood though, so you could see why people think that. Jennifer, how much do I love you with the pearls and the Chuck’s?!The hat and the headbands never lasted long, but I worked fast and got my shots before she was able to rip them off!Love me some scrunchy noses.Giggles. Looks like the first picture, but a slightly different expression. She’s just SO gorgeous, I couldn’t leave one picture out! Lets do another shoot soon, ok? I can’t hardly wait until the next one!!!

  • children & families,  communions

    ronnie’s first communion

    My second time photographing this great, happy family. My most recent shoot for them was when their middle daughter made her first communion last year. I was so happy that I got to do another shoot for them this year! Although the weather wasn’t that great it wasn’t raining and we were able to shoot outside with the whole family who came to celebrate Ronnie’s special day.

    I love seeing the 3 of them always getting along so well.The whole family came to celebrate!Favorite picture of the day!Love the one on the right. He knows it’s his day and isn’t afraid to remind his sisters. Cousins.Love all the love! Great seeing all of you again!

  • children & families

    the stei family

    Another new to bsquared family who I had the pleasure of meeting and photographing recently. And they deserve an extra big thank you, as they travelled from their home (it’s a little bit of a trek) all the way to Long Island for the shoot in order to save me travel time on a jammed packed day!

    Their little boys were beyond cute. Loved the interaction between all of them and the way the littlest guy’s eyes squinted shut on his really big smiles and laughs!

    See what I mean about the interaction?!Hello, pretty mommy!Love the little guy’s expression in the picture on the left. Too funny. Thanks again for driving down! Hoping you love the pictures!

  • babies,  children & families

    introducing evelyn & elizabeth

    My BFF Robin from college and her husband Joe welcomed their identical twin baby girls last Friday 5/6 via Csection. Looks like it was just in time too, as Robin’s water broke when she was on the OR table being prepped! They got home from the hospital on Tuesday and I ran up to CT on Thursday for some pictures.

    While I had all these great ideas in my head of poses I wanted to get, those didn’t happen. As soon as we got one baby settled, the other one started crying. And vice versa for the rest of the time I was there. So I worked fast and did what I could in little increments. And don’t even ask me who is who, cause I lost track about 10 minutes into shooting! So there very well may be a bunch of pictures of the same baby!!

    Anyway, please welcome Evelyn Saiorse (pronounced sharesha like inertia, which means freedom in irish) and Elizabeth Morgan.

    Evelyn was 6lbs, 6 oz and 18″

    Elizabeth was 5lbs, 9 oz and 171/2″

    And of course, the miracle baby himself, Eoin. All fashionable and stuff. So smiley for Aunt Beth. We figured we’d give Eoin his first chance to hold the babies. At first, it was okay. He was not amused. At all.

    …and then it was time to go. I think it was at this point that Robin and I just looked at eachother and laughed. So, so glad this part of having twins is done for me and wishing Robin & Joe lots of luck! Having twins isn’t easy, but it sure is awesome and always an adventure!! So happy for all of you!!

  • baseball,  personal

    more baseball

    I have a feeling there will be more of the above titled posts throughout this year. Finally took the camera to the big boys game last weekend (my last weekend game I’ll be seeing for a while due to shoots/communions). Their team won and I got some great pictures too!

    Jack got a great hit and was pretty happy about it!And then Jack pitched an inning. Patrick’s game…2 innings as catcher.Cousin Brendan getting a little coaching from Coach Thomas/Dad.Uncle That Guy doing his coaching thing.Timmy’s always around to cheer a brother up after a tough inning. Assistant Coach JohnnyB looking on.  This weekend’s game didn’t go as well, but I did get in to see about 30 minutes between shoots. No doubt there will be lots more pictures of baseball before the season’s over…