• children & families,  communions,  occassions & parties

    the calo communion- part 2

    I have no doubt you’ll recognize this beauty from her communion portrait session I posted a few weeks back. Last weekend was her actual communion and I was so glad to be asked back for more pictures of the whole family and extended family. And a little of the party, too.

    Stay tuned to the blog in the coming weeks- lots more communions to go.

  • children & families,  communions

    the aufi communion

    I had photographed this fantastic family about 2 years ago along with their cousins. I was so happy when mom emailed for another shoot this year, for her daughter’s communion this time! It was great seeing them all again and seeing how much they’ve grown and changed since the last shoot. They are the nicest, most cooperative bunch and made my first day back in the communion season so easy and pleasant. I took a ton of pictures cause we just flew thru them with everyone’s fantastic cooperation. Here are a few for your viewing pleasure.

    After sending in my camera and lenses to Canon for some tuning up, the focus is outstanding!! And she is gorgeous. A perfect combination!!

    Mom and her girls, the star of the show and her godparents. So, so hard getting a natural smile out of this one but I squeaked out a few.Dad had way more luck with that than I did!Something so sweet and sassy about this one. She is such the model!Cannot believe that the baby is so grown up already!You don’t want to know what I had to do to get this shot of everyone laughing. Whatever it takes!Love!!

  • personal,  school

    the other royal wedding

    On the same day that William & Kate tied the knot, there was another very special wedding. This one was held at Timmy’s school and was for Q & U. Not only a celebration of the two letters that always seem to go together but of the Kindergarteners learning their whole alphabet this year. And the royal wedding playing on the screen in the background.

    Timmy all dressed up in his wedding finery. Teachers and parents really went all out on creating a great wedding and reception.So serious.Jack was ready to run down the aisle to get it over with. Olivia and Ryan, also quite serious.The vows were as follows:

    I, Mr. Q pledge to take you, Ms. U with me wherever I go. And have her stand beside me in all the words that I will make.

    I, Ms. U pledge to follow Mr. Q in all the words that he plans to make. Even though I can make my own words…

    All the boys were Q’s and all the girls were U’s. Could it have been any cuter?

    Timmy with his two favorite girls.  Congratulations to Q&U- they make a lovely couple, dont you think?

  • baseball,  bsquared business,  personal

    10 for Tuesday

    It’s been quite a while since I did one of these. I’m a little rusty, so bare with me…

    First a little business…

    1. Looking for the perfect mothers day gift? Look no further! A bsquared gift card (available in any amount) is it!! I can have your gift card ready for the special mom in your life within an hour for pick up or mailing. And it comes already wrapped in a bsquared gift bag, so no wrapping needed! Email me at bethbeyrer@yahoo.com.

    2. The bsquared calendar is now open thru the end of August, 2011. You can find it here: bsquared calendar Book your summer sessions soon (especially the limited number of beach sessions available) before they are all gone! (I booked a possible record 7 sessions since sending out the May newsletter via email last night at 8pm and this morning!)

    3. Jack & Patrick got another ridiculously amazing report card, both of them with 98+ overall averages. So proud of those boys!!

    The competition does tend to get a little rough. 

    4. Also on the Jack & Patrick front, they played in 2 baseball games on Saturday. One for the National League where they were subbing for some kids who couldn’t make their game. And one for their regular team. They won both games (yay!!) and Patrick was even awarded the game ball at the end of the second game!! Patrick said that Jack should share in the game ball for pitching a really great last inning and striking out the other team. Patrick got the winning hit for the game!! And my nephew Brendan hit a homerun! It was a come from behind victory and even I was excited! Of course, I didn’t have my camera with me. But here’s the game ball.

    It was great to see them play so well, put into action the things that Coach Bryan has been working on with them, and see them get a little more confidence.

    4a. Had to pop this in here cause it was too funny to leave out. My facebook status from last night: jack got stuck in the bathroom because there was a towel wedged in the door so he couldn’t open it. and patrick got toothpaste in his eye. and these are the kids with the 98+ average? oy.

    5. I’ve decided I’m starting a new movement. To make those who keep us waiting (doctors, dentists, hairdressers, customer service reps, car repair people, airlines, etc) pay us back for our wasted time. I understand emergencies and technical difficulties arise in life and for those instances, no payment would need to be made. But when the wait is NOT caused by those things, I think we should get some money back from the copay or the ticket or whatever. Our time is JUST as valuable as theirs and I’m not paying for services not granted in a timely fashion. Just like I wouldn’t expect a client of mine to wait for me to start taking pictures an hour late without a phone call or an explanation. Who’s with me?

    6. We are in the midst of getting our upstairs bathroom remodeled and so far it’s looking great. I can’t believe the speediness of the guys working on it and what a great and clean job they are doing! Pictures on the bathroom before, during and after coming soon. If you are looking for a great general contractor in the area, let me know. I’d be happy to pass on his name!

    7. Just finished up the Dennis Lehane Kenzie & Gennaro series of 6 books. Loved them all!! Dennis Lehane is a fantastic writer and I love all of his books that I’ve read so far. I think my favorites from the series of 6 Kenzie/Gennaro books were Gone, Baby, Gone & Moonlight Mile (which is the follow up to Gone Baby Gone). Fantastic and I highly recommend all of them. Still have to read Mystic River and The Given Day to complete all his books. They are on the list.

    8. Timmy has informed me that he is marrying Kristen (from his nursery school and now Kindergarten class). They really do make the perfect couple. They are both on the smaller side, only eat very specific food, really are very considerate of eachother all the time, love Disney and just look too cute together. Kristen’s mom and I have decided that the wedding will be at Disney (and then Timmy said they will ride Splash Mountain 100 times after the wedding is over). and that we will be having all of the holidays cause we aren’t going to their house for it with their limited menu of rolls, bagels and oreos. She’ll cook, I’ll cater. And Timmy told me that he’s going to tell Kristen that “I love my Legos, but I love you even more!”. She’s a lucky girl, no? Don’t worry…he’s still really tight with his girl Olivia. They sit together at lunch almost every day and had a blast at Disney together. Although she seems more interested in Patrick these days….

    9. I think the boys are a bit sick of me and my camera.

    10. I’m afraid to speak too soon, but my allergist (never had an allergist before this year although I should have!) put me on Astepro nasal spray for my horrible spring allergies and I think it’s actually working!! The only thing that ever worked in the past to really stop the itching, sneezing, etc was Benadryl but that just turned me into a raging b*tch. It just made me so tired that all I wanted to do was sleep and it was not a good idea for anyone to speak to me. So far, so good. My peak is usually mothers day, so time will tell if it continues to be helpful. I hope so!!

    11. I’ve been doing the Couch to 5K program (via an iphone app) with my friend Heidi for 5 weeks now, and yesterday was a real milestone. I ran (ok, jogged really slow but it was still jogging) for 20 minutes. In a row!! Never, ever before have I done that. Ever. Everyone says speed doesn’t matter (which is good because people walking quickly can pass me while I’m ‘running’- will work on speed after I can do 30 min of running on a regular basis which will still be a while) but I’m pretty excited I actually did it!! Next run day is back to interval training with walking and running. Week 6 coming up!

  • babies,  children & families

    the demar family

    This family was gifted with a bsquared session by mom’s work friends and I was so happy when she emailed to set up the appointment. We braved yet another crappy weather day and I was concerned about the lighting, but their home was filled with light (and love) even on a cloudy day.

    And with smiles like these, who really cares about the weather?!

    They really love eachother. And I love the interaction here. The fist under the chin in the picture on the right? Too cute!We lost Mr. N pretty quickly, I’m apparently no match for Club Penguin. He was sliding down out of his chair complaining and laughing that I said “just one more” when it was actually several more. Back on Club Penguin. But I wasn’t allowed to take any more pictures of him. So I snuck in a feet shot. Pretty mommy- Phoebe Kates, right?A happy little girl in her pink tutu and her pink room. Ahhhhh….

    Thanks for a great and sunny shoot without the sun!