the smi family
My umpteenth time photographing this family, who I adore taking pictures of (so, it works for all of us!!). The baby got so big since I’ve last seen them and the kids are all as delicious and sweet as ever. Grandma & Grandpa got in on the photos this time (much to Grandpa’s dismay, but Dad’s relief I think!!) so they’ll have some pictures with them in it to show off to their friends.
Aren’t they so cute together?!
The family will be moving in a few months (not far, just to a new home in town) so I tried to get a few of the kids in their rooms for posterity.
Hope all of you enjoy the pictures!!
dawn & rob {maternity session}
Dawn and I have been friends since way back in the middle school days and I was so happy to hear that she and Rob are expecting. Twin girls!! I was thrilled that she called me for a maternity shoot and was really looking forward to seeing her again. The day didn’t disappoint!
Are they not the cutest couple?!
Dawn, you look gorgeous!! All glowy.
Love her perfectly round belly. Cooking up 2 babies in there isn’t easy (believe me, I know!) but Dawn is doing great!
The original baby.
Good luck to you both- I’m so super happy for you and can’t wait to meet those little girls soon!!
bridget’s super surprise sweet 16
Bridget’s mom called me just a few days before her party to ask if I would come and photograph her special evening. She explained to me that it started as just a small dinner with friends to celebrate her birthday, but somehow along the way it morphed into a super surprise sweet 16 complete with a red carpet theme with monogramed backdrop, taylor swift, a dj, a custom cake and a ton of friends and family. It was definitely quite a party!!
A beautifully done custom cake.
All the girls getting ready for the surprise.
Surprise!! (oh yeah, she definitely was!!)
Thank you for letting me on the red carpet! Hope you enjoy the pictures!!
tampa & st. petersburg
Spent Friday afternoon & night into Saturday morning in St. Petersburg to see the Tampa Bay Ray’s play. More baseball. Ya.
1. The cool bridge, 2. Map of stadium, 3. The elevator at the hotel (Stephen King Shining at the Overlook Hotel with the blood pouring out of the elevators, right? Sorry, Sue Miller), 4. boys outside stadium, 5. at tropicana field, 6. john buying tickets, 7. carnival stuff in stadium, 8. boys in game having lots of fun, 9. my friend Colleen made the baseball player coming out of centerfield!, 10. more carnival theme, 11. patrick and his morning cup of coffee, 12. iphone pix out the window, 13. more of Colleen’s guy, 14. view out the window, 15. patrick’s milk moustache (its not really coffee), 16. inside tropicana field (so weird being inside for a game), 17. 89 degrees and 82 miles per hour, 18. cool building, 19. tropicana field, 20. a truck filled with melons (both watermelons and regular) on I-595.
The boys got their obligatory hats, shirts and a stuffed animal for Timmy. I read a couple of hundred pages in my book (The Long Walk by Slavomir Rawicz which is a true story about his escape from a Siberian prison camp during WW2). It was great and the boys are reading it too. But not during the game.
just being….
…on vacation.
ok, the first picture was before vacation but it was pretty cool anyway so I just stuck in in the post. All pictures are from the iphone. Love that thing!!
Off to Tampa today so the boys can see a Rays game and I can catch up on some reading on the Kindle while at the game. Don’t judge. I hate baseball but I’m doing the family thing by going. So I can read at the park if I want.
Working on a post about our new, unwelcome foray into the world of food allergies- it’s a lot to process and I haven’t fully wrapped my head around the whole thing yet so it’s a little tough to blog about still. But as my blog stalkers and friends know, I am all about putting it all out there- if it helps someone else going thru a similar thing, or if it leads someone to us with advice and stories of success then that’s what it’s all about! Maybe on Monday. Taking the weekend off from blogging to just be…