so, EVERYONE is on vacation??
Not only are we on our spring vacation, but my camera bodies and 2 lenses decided they were taking a little spa vacation of their own. They are getting some facials, mani-pedis, and a few massages at the camera spa this week. Ok, so maybe not exactly that- but they are at Canon getting a good cleaning and recalibration. I guess they have to rejuvinate too, before the Communion Craziness that is the entire month of May begins. So after getting my massages, suntan, and hopefully some relaxation both my cameras, lenses and me will be ready and raring to go!
The two big gaping holes in my camera bag make me a little sad.
On the scale at the UPS store.
It was almost as traumatic as if I were sending my kids off to sleep-away camp for the summer.
But I did get emails from Canon today that they arrived in one piece and they are getting started on their spa treatments (I mean cleaning and calibrating) tomorrow.
You know I couldn’t be without a camera entirely (omg- my palms are sweating just thinking about that!) so my excellent friend Mark (the owner of Rockville Camera) lent me one of his for my cameras’ spa weekend.
And don’t you worry, there are still lots of blog posts coming this week and next. I would just like to add that editing pictures and writing blog posts from the 20th story balcony overlooking the ocean, intracostal, A1A and North Miami Beach is a vast improvement from wearing my coat in the house in front of the computer. (sorry for anyone still wearing theirs!)
welcome home, annabella!!
After a very long 5 year wait my friends adopted a baby girl from China,making their family of 5 (they have 3 boys, too!) into a family of 6. Jenn was nice enough to let me crash their homecoming at Kennedy Airport two weeks ago for their baby girl’s big debut to snap some pictures of the reunited, thrilled family! What an honor it was for me, especially after following Jenn & her mom’s travels in China, watching her meet her baby girl and watching them getting to know eachother all thru Facebook updates and Jenn’s blog. There were a number of tears shed behind the camera, too!
The waiting is the hardest part (thanks, Tom Petty) but there was quite a long one from touch down to making it thru customs.
The whole gang.
Three very excited big brothers! Love how they got all dressed up to meet their new sister.
More waiting… (this was at around 11:30pm so there was definitely some exhaustion mixed in with the waiting. That, plus the fact they hadn’t seen their mom for just over 2 weeks just made the anticipation all the worse.)
And, here they are!!
Beautiful, beautiful baby.
Annabella went right to her daddy and seemed quite comfortable there for the rest of the evening. Love the way he looks at her the rest of the night. Meeting her brothers and looking quite content about it.
She really liked Devin’s hat.
First picture of Mommy, Daddy and Annabella together. What a special moment and I am so lucky I got to capture it.
And the first picture of the whole H family. Yes, I know you are crying now, too.
I had noticed that she kept making this face on the pictures that Jenn posted from China, so I figured I’d make it at her and see if she would do it back. And she did! Smart and gorgeous little cookie!!
Going to her forever home.
H family- wishing all of you all the happiness in the world (but, you already have that!) an easy, smooth adjustment for Annabella and all of you. And all the love you can stand!! Thank you so very much for letting me photograph this for you. I hope you and Annabella will treasure the pictures of her first meeting the rest of her family and her first time on US soil in her new homeland. xoxo
the slat family {& tiffany’s christening}
A new to bsquared family, but one that I’ve known thru all the boys. Their second oldest is in class with the big boys and their second youngest is in class with Timmy. They were celebrating their newest addition’s Christening (in style, I might add- do you love all the Tiffany stuff for little Miss Tiffany?! I knew it was going to be a great shoot after seeing the whole family’s coordinating outfits and the Tiffany bags set up just for me!)
Isn’t she just a beautiful baby?!
The same face.
Four beautiful blonde girls.
You know I love some baby feet.
And baby feet in a row with a ton of fabulous shoes? Even better!
My first time seeing a baby roll her eyes. As in, what are you doing to me?!
Ridiculously good looking family! Thanks for a great session- hope the Christening and party were wonderful!
a visit with friends
Nate (my friend from UMiami) had been travelling for work and came back thru New York on his way home. Colleen and the girls came up to meet him and we were lucky enough to snag some time with them before they all headed home. We had some fun outside (finally, outside!!) and had the traditional pizza dinner, complete with chocolate lollypops (which was a really good thing that I bought them because Colleen told me it was the first thing that the girls asked about when they were told they were coming over!)
Someone was sooooo happy to see her daddy after a month of being apart.
The girls seem to really enjoy our ‘park’ (as they call it). Can’t get rid of those cars yet!!
My new glasses & Nate’s new beard.
Love this face!
Everyone enjoying chocolate lollypops while watching some Toy Story.
Looks like Nate & Colleen will be moving again soon, but we think we’ll be able to meet up at the happiest place on earth next year. So, there’s at least that! Thanks for coming to visit on no sleep and a long ride! Miss you guys already!!
the 21st annual rvc education foundation gala
I was asked to photograph the gala again this year, and of course I happily said yes! It was a great night with lots of fun speeches by the honorees and the people presenting them with their awards. And tons of great raffle and silent auction prizes to be won. I had a wonderful time seeing everyone and taking lots of pictures. Here are a few from the evening:
The honorees. All teachers in the elementary schools for over 30 years each.
The fabulous education foundation committee.
The gala co-chairpersons, Delia & Norma, and Darren Raymar- principal & MC for the evening.
The fabulous girls who always make sure bsquared is in the journal!
Shirley Johnson who is still teaching at Watson School.
Proud husband, son & brother.
Judy Birnbaum (& her proud family) who has retired but is subbing at Covert.
And Paula Genovesi who had the most laughs for her speech!
Paula’s proud and happy family.
Faces in the crowd.
Me and DRAY. We’ve come a long way from living in the same building in Long Beach.