3 for Thursday
1. There is no real blog post today because I pulled the Epstein Barr card last night. As in “can’t cook dinner. Epstein Barr.” So we went to Panera and then I went to bed by 8:45pm. For the night. Will try to have something good for you to look at tomorrow.
2. Jack has sorta try outs for the middle school Talent Show today for his band today after school. They are actually sounding like a band! (the picture is missing 1 member of the band and the keyboard player doesn’t have his keyboard). The actual talent show is in late May so they have plenty of time to practice. And I’ll have some time to take some additional pictures.
3. After almost killing Timmy last Friday (he had a terrible allergic reaction to the Ensure I gave him with red eyes, runny nose, vomiting, wheezing, and hives) he has an appointment with the allergist later today. I have NO idea what caused his terrible reaction and am hoping to find something out today.
kate’s 1st birthday
I was lucky enough to photograph this super fun 1st birthday party for Miss Kate and her family (her aunt is a longtime bsquared client) at the Little Gym in Merrick. A really great time was had by all the big and little guests and I think it’s safe to say that the birthday girl may just have been the happiest 1 year old ever! Every time I took a picture of her, she was nothing but smiles and laughs!!
You should recognize every face in this picture from previous bsquared shoots.
A big party for a little girl!
Big sister.
See what I mean about the smiles and giggles?!
Thank you for letting me join in on the fun!
beth & suzanne’s awesome 80’s party
…and to think it all started late (very late) one night on Facebook.
The party really was awesome and it was so great to see everyone who came! We had a lot of no-shows which was disappointing but we had a bunch of people who did travel far distances just to make it. So to everyone who did come out and got their 80’s on, thank you! And we hope you had as good a time as we did!
So here are the pictures you have been waiting for:
Me in all my 80’s glory. Can’t wait to wear the sneakers again!
And there are just no words for John’s outfit. I had a lot of fun shopping for this!
Love the rings and shoes? Fresh.
My fantastic co-host Suzanne and her husband Rob.
80’s yearbooks, aquanet, rubber bracelets & a gear bag.
Class of ’87. Christine, me, Sue, Cheryl, Suzanne & Jenn.
And #44 frosted pink lipstick in full force. I think I’m going to start wearing it all the time. The funniest thing is that since they really don’t sell #44 at Harmon Drug anymore, both Suzanne and I went to Harmon and picked the exact same lipstick out of the zillion there. Who’s with me on bringing back the frosted pink lipstick trend?
It seems that Rob is always surrounded by a harem of women.
Best hair of the night.
Best 80’s outfits of the night.
My amazing friend Sue who came all the way from Boston just for the party. Love, love love her!!!
Thanks to my brother in law Joe for working the door for us, and to Tommy, Anthony & Danny at Kasey’s for a great night at their restaurant.
Unfortunately due to the lack of attendance we didn’t collect enough to put together any boxes to send to the troops (we actually didn’t have enough to cover the costs of the party) but I’ll put some more together to send anyway. Thanks everyone, for a great night!! It was totally tubular!
the dost family
I photographed this lovely little family (less their newest addition) a few years back, and when I went over to their house for the shoot I was so happy to see lots of my pictures on display! The boys were in a silly mood and so fun and funny. And the baby was just delicious! So much good looking in one family!
Dont you just love her peaches and cream complexion with the rosy red cheeks?
Thanks for a great shoot, everyone! C- hoping to see you at the 80’s party tomorrow night!!
the last of Disney 2011
Timmy’s home sick today (actually he came home sick yesterday after puking on the playground at recess) I haven’t had time to edit more client shoots. I was too busy cleaning up vomit. So on that lovely note, I’m just posting the last of the Disney photos. Hopefully today will be puke free and I’ll edit while Timmy eats saltines and watches movies.
The view from high above on Dumbo.
And a little sneak peek of the construction happening on the Fantasyland expansion. Can’t wait to see what it’s going to look like!!
Splash Mountain before. Which we were all so happy to ride because it’s always closed for refurbishment when we are down there in February.
Uh huh.
And after.
John actually rode! This is is favorite ride and with his back he probably really shouldn’t ride it, but after being layed up for the whole Disney trip in the hotel room with strep, he decided he was riding anyway. And it’s not jarring so it worked out okay.
The 7 dopes.
And on that note, I’m going to edit.