• babies,  couples,  maternity

    jenn + scott = ? (jake)

    Lots of maternity sessions recently and scheduled in the upcoming weeks. This one was a little different and had more of a boudoir feel to it. Although the pictures are really pretty tame, you might want to make sure kids (especially older kids) are away from the blog before scrolling down to the pictures.

    Jenn is so totally fabulous (there is no better word to describe her) and as gorgeous as she is (maybe even moreso pregnant), that’s how sweet she is too. So as much as you’d like to hate her, you just can’t.

    Jake’s room is all ready for him. Now its just waiting for him to arrive.

    Jenn, you are stunning. And fabulous!Love the ring that matches the lingerie.And the proud soon to be daddy. He’s always such a good sport for pictures.  Thanks for a fantastic fabulous shoot! Can’t wait to meet baby Jake!

  • personal

    tim&tom (and the supermoon)

    Our cousins (and the most recent bride and groom appearing on the blog) came by 2 weekends ago for a dinner/playdate evening and we had a great time as always. The little guys (who are almost the same kid- they are SO alike!) were busy playing StarWars in the backyard for a long time.

    And there was also the supermoon that night. No tripod, so I winged it as best I could.

    Working on lots of sessions, so the blog will be busy again this week and next.

  • couples

    kim + sean= ?

    Kim was the big boys babysitter when they were really little, and now she and her husband are expecting their own baby not too long from now. I was so excited that she called and asked me to take some pictures to capture this very special time for them.

    Their house was such a pleasure to shoot in- so totally bright and sunny with great colors and totally clutter free. A photographers dream. John told me as I was editing the pictures that he was concerned that there wouldn’t be enough room in their house for the baby. Because the boys used to think that Kim lived in the ticket booth at the beach club where she used to work when we met her. They were seriously convinced she lived there for a few years!Quite possibly the cutest dog ever.
    Someone’s got that glow…And someone’s doing some kicking. Hanging in the nursery. Which soon will be filled with a delicious baby boy or girl. Which do you think?

    Wishing you guys a great rest of your pregnancy and an easy delivery with the happiest baby ever! Can’t wait to meet him or her.

  • babies,  children & families

    the beyr family

    Does that last name look vaguely familiar? Well, that’s cause they are our cousins. And that means I am related to this totally adorable baby. Ok, so it’s by marriage but whatever. He’s just too delicious!!

    The rolls have rolls. But he is awfully flexible.
    We left the diaper on due to some ummmm…..earlier issues. We all just figured it was safer that way even though there couldn’t possibly be anything left in there!! And yes, I left the drool in the picture- too cute to photoshop that out. Oh my. That face. We wore him out!

    Thanks for a great shoot- one of the first ones back after the quiet winter! Looking forward to seeing you all again soon, with all the boys next time!

  • personal

    3 for Thursday

    So, I’m feeling a little lazy today and can’t muster up the 13 for Thursday. 3 is the only other thing that sounds good with Thursday, so 3 it is.

    1. This is wrong on so many levels, I don’t even know where to begin. That, and the fact that Timmy was singing Jingle Bells on the way to school yesterday just about sums it up. There is a chance that John won’t be able to make it on our trip to Florida next month due to a trial and I was thinking we would just cancel it. After the weather the last two days, there will be NO canceling. I must get out of here!!!!

    2. You might recognize this cutie from previous blog posts. He and his mom came over for lunch last week and I just took a few quick snaps. I’m sure Mar is going to hate them because of his tongue hanging out in every picture (apparently he starting doing that on the day that he came over and hasn’t done it since!). Whatever, I think it’s so cute and I’m posting them anyway!

    3. I find out my blood test results tomorrow for the ginormously swollen lymphnode on the side of my neck. I think it might be shrinking slightly. Or maybe it’s just wishful thinking. I dunno, but I’m still convinced I’m dying. Any good thoughts you want to send are very much appreciated!!  ***edited to add: Epstein Barr reactivation. So that means it took 23 years to reactivate it since I had it when I was 18- it’s one of those things that stays inactive (or sometimes active) in your system forever once you have it. I feel totally fine- no more tired than normal and maybe even less so since I’ve been trying to go to bed by 12. No other symptoms except for the lymphnode. At all. No medicines or anything- it’s a virus so it just has to run it’s course. Personally, I think it was reactivated by the month long sickness of Jan-Feb. Whatever. At least it’s not lymphoma!****

    Have a good Thursday, everyone!