• disney

    more disney 2011 (magic kingdom)

    On a day of bad weather (snow here in NY on 3/23- seriously?), bad news (bombs in Israel, earthquake/tsunami/nuclear meltdown in Japan, and all the regular bad news) and bad health (waiting for blood test results on the huge swollen lymphnode in my neck that’s been there for more than a week) today’s a perfect day to post some happy Disney pictures.

    This sums up why I love going to Disney so much:

    Had dinner at Chef Mickey’s with the Morins. Hit the MK early for our breakfast reservations at Crystal Palace. Love the empty park in the morning but not the rain (although that kept the people away all the more which made all the ride lines short!) The castle looks better in the sun though. Breakfast at Crystal Palace- best scrambled eggs and Mickey waffles ever. The picture on the right is a good example of how NOT to take a picture (subjects in sun, bad shadows, squinty, raccoon eyes). Eh, I took it anyway. It just be’s that way sometimes. Some Big Thunder fun! Our favorite ride in the MK. And although it’s still not easy to take pictures while riding a roller coaster, I’m getting better!John finally made it back to the land of the living just in time for our last full day at Disney. They boys went off to ride Space Mountain alone. How far they’ve come! Timmy still missed the height requirements by a few inches. Maybe next year. And some teapups (yes, teapups, not teacups). Always good for a bunch of laughs.  One last bunch of pictures from Disney left.

  • occassions & parties

    give a pint, get a pint

    My good friend Suzanne (who is also my co-host for the upcoming 80’s party!) and her husband Rob.

    Rob has been diagnosed with colorectal cancer and they have been fighting it really, really hard for over a year now. Rob’s doing so well (and looks as handsome as ever, don’tcha think?!) and his friends held the 2nd annual blood drive in his honor. They collected around 200 pints of blood. John donated too- and since I can’t, I went and took pictures again just like last year. So if you give a pint of blood, you get a pint of beer. A good trade off and lots of good friends there supporting Rob & Suzanne.

    Hang in there Rob. We all love you!!!!

  • personal

    st. baldricks 2011

    The boys decided back in December that they wanted to participate in the St. Baldrick’s fundraiser this year to help raise money for kids cancer research. I was so proud of them (but couldn’t look at the shaggy hair for another second!) for doing it!! They raised just shy of $800 between the two of them. A big THANK YOU to all of you who donated to them or to the cause. The boys are working on their thank you notes this week, so if you donated to them be on the lookout for those.

    Before. (they were NOT happy with me for this. at all.) But I had to show the height and width of the hair. And here we go! Jack:And Patrick: This was Patrick’s reaction after seeing Jack with his head shaved. Jack, before & after. (the hair growing over the ears was killing me)Patrick, before & after. Omg, SO much better!!! I think they actually really like it. St. Baldricks contacted me and asked me to photograph the event (as much of it as I was there for with the boys) and of course I was happy to. I tried to get some of each of their friends who were also shaving their heads but I’m sure I missed some of them. Here’s what I did get. Joe before (look at all that hair)…and it’s all gone!My nephew Brendan got shaved, too!My favorite girls were there too. Not getting their heads shaved, but selling baked goods and raising money. And some of the adults getting shaved too. John was going to do it but he has a trial coming up this week and didn’t think the jury would look too favorably on an attorney who looked like a prison escapee. Maybe next year. Oh, and Timmy says he’s definitely doing it next year too!!

  • weddings

    christine & jayson- the reception

    There is a total overload of pictures in this post. Don’t say I didn’t warn you. I just couldn’t narrow it down, and as a photographer that’s one of the best problems you can have! So get comfy, lots to look at.

    A few details:My cousin Jen (who is a florist) did the pillar arrangements. They had a table reserved for those who had passed away. Such a lovely touch. Let the fun commence:The infamous chair. They thought Tommy should get a ride, too.Omg, love!!!Time for the toasts. The next Beyrer family cousin to get married. Jen (the afore mentioned florist) and Mike.Previous bride and groom. Current bride and groom.A dance with mom. A real tearjerker!!A special song for the bride from her sister/maid of honor: The Curley Shuffle. Tommy (once he had some ice cream and perked up) was the hit of the dance floor. And rightfully so!Caketime!Bouquet and garter festivities. Hmmmm…..who do you think wants it the most??Not only do I love the fact that Tommy caught it, I love the other single guys reactions. Don’t worry- he put it on her wrist. Dreamy. And so in love. Jayson, I know this is your favorite!!
    So thrilled you asked me to photograph your wedding, so glad I’m done editing them in time to see you all tomorrow, and most of all hope you continue to enjoy your life together. All 3 of you deserve nothing but happiness!! xo

  • bsquared business,  personal

    new old pictures

    Just came across these today. I think I must’ve been saving them for a specific purpose but I now have no idea what that purpose may have been. But I love them and am glad I’m posting them now. From our October 2010 trip out east. In a no trespassing area of the docks. But really, I was actually supposed to pass up this wall? C’mon.

    I’d just like to add how proud I am of my boys. Especially the big ones this past week. They are working so hard at everything- baseball (practices with their trainer), drums (in the all-district band concert and NYSSMA), school (waiting on those progress reports but I have no doubt they’ll be awesome), Jack’s starting a band with his friends for the middle school talent show,  and getting ready for St. Baldricks (getting their heads shaved this Saturday while raising money for kids with cancer). It’s not too late to donate if you are interested. You can find them here: Jack’s page & here: Patrick’s page. They have surpassed their goal, but they continue to accept donations thru Saturday. They are good boys.

    In related news, I was contacted by St. Baldricks and asked to volunteer to photograph as much of the event as I can for them. They’ll use my pictures for advertising, on their blog, website, etc. They found me online and liked what they saw I guess, so now I’m in. So if you are there and getting shaved or shaving look for me with my camera and smile!

    And in other news, we will be renovating our upstairs bathroom (the boys bathroom) next month. Lots of before and after pictures to come soon so be on the lookout for those. I was able to pick out everything this morning from fixtures, to towel rods, to tub, vanity and toilet, medicine cabinets, and tile for the tub, floor and accents. Bam. Done. (If only the rest of the construction process was that fast and easy, right!?)

    One last thing- if you a blog stalker in the Milwaukee, St. Paul or Chicago areas and you are interested in a photoshoot with me this August, please email me at bethbeyrer@yahoo.com to set something up. Maybe I can avoid all of the baseball games and just take pictures!? I can hope.