disney 2011- epcot (part 3)
On our 3rd day at Disney we hit Epcot (every. person. comes. out. tired.) for the day. After grabbing our fastpasses for Soarin, we went on Test Track (60min wait and was the longest line we waited on for the whole trip), Spaceship Earth, Mission: Space. We didn’t even make it to the countries. John started really feeling sick while the boys and I were waiting for Test Track and took a nap on a bench the whole time we were waiting on line and on the ride. He headed back to the hotel immediately after that where he stayed for the next 5 days. With strep.
Of course, no trip to Disney would be complete without the twins seeing the twins.
So the boys and I continued to conquer Epcot and left exhausted and cranky. We had a long talk that night about cooperation for the next few days of the trip since it was going to be just me and them. It totally worked and they were great from then on.
Timmy and Patrick had quite a bit of fun in the fountains at Epcot (Jack was busy being cranky). And I never remember to bring a change of clothes. Sorry for the photo overload here- they were too cute not to post.
Oh, and don’t forget to head over to the bsquared photography facebook page today to enter the new contest. You can find the bsquared facebook page here: https://www.facebook.com/pages/bsquared-photography/103463396356620. Good luck! I’ll announce the winners tomorrow here on the blog.
disney 2011- magic kingdom at night (part 2)
The Magic Kingdom is really a fantastic place and being there at night time only makes it more special. Especially when you catch Wishes one night and on another night you ride Big Thunder during Wishes, watching the fireworks over the castle while you whip around the curves and down the hills. I think that might be my favorite part of Disney (which is only because they won’t let me back into Cinderella Castle).
Some from Wishes in a great last minute spot in front of the Castle. And having some fun with my new lens toy.
7 for Sunday (on Monday)
1. Still tons more Disney pictures to come as soon as I get around to editing them all. In the meantime, check out this adorable new Dooney & Burke bag I picked up at Disney. It just makes me smile and makes me happy everytime I carry it.
2. Anyone interested in buying an almost brand new umbrella stroller? I bought it one day before leaving for Disney, used it for one week at Disney, and now have no further need for it. I purchased it for $80 and am selling it for $40. It’s still in perfect condition and comes with a carry bag. It weighs 11 lbs and folds easily. I’d rather not ship it, so you’d have to be able to pick it up. Email me at bethbeyrer@yahoo.com or leave a comment here if you are interested.
3. Working on our family’s coffee table books (since I don’t scrapbook anymore, I now make up books with all of our family photos for each year and have them printed). I finished 2008 and am thru July of 2009 but still have all of 2010 to do. I’ll post some pictures of them when they are all done and printed. I’m hoping to have it done within the next two weeks. Probably overly ambitious but I’m going to give it a shot!
4. The 2nd annual blood drive for my friend Rob Sullivan (his wife Suzanne is my co-host for the 80’s party next month) is coming up soon. I’m unable to donate blood so I’ll be there to take pictures again this year. Please consider donating blood. The blood bank can always use more!
5. A little bsquared business- the calendar for May is almost completely booked with only 3 spots remaining for the month. If you are interested in booking a date in May, you might want to do that really soon.
6. There are 4 bsquared pictures in this week’s local paper. I didn’t get credit on any of them, but they are all mine. And I’ll be photographing the RVC Education Foundation Gala again this year. Hope to see some of you there.
7. I slept until 12:45pm on Sunday. Like the old days. Thanks JohnnyB! That was so nice!!
disney 2011- in no particular order (part 1)
Since the blog has been badly neglected, I’m putting up some pictures from our Disney trip in no particular order- just as I edit them. We had a really great time (well, John not so much since he got sick with strep on the 2nd day of the trip and stayed in bed until the last day of the trip) and rode tons of rides. More details on the trip soon. Just some pictures to tide you over.
Just doing my part to keep Cinderella Castle as the most photographed icon in the USA.
Can you see the outline of the Crystal Palace in the left ear of the blue balloon?
Happy that Mickey and Minnie are doing photos outside in their traditional outfits. Now that they are homeless since Mickey’s Toontown Fair is kaput I am at least happy for some natural light!
John on his one day in the Magic Kingdom at the beginning of the trip.
Some teapups!
There’s a great big beautiful tomorrow…
A new show at the castle- looked kinda cool.
Yay, Disney!!
More to come soon. With trip details, too.
at my winter home
Well, it was once. And I am there now, but unfortunately even after asking really nicely, they won’t let me sleep there again. New blog posts coming soon (with lots of Disney pictures of course). Hope all of you got to spend some time in your happy place over vacation!