timmy’s birthday vegetable- part 2 {the party}
So, breaking with tradition, Timmy decided NOT to do a Rec Center birthday party this year. He wanted to have a bowling party. So we did.
Timmy and his BFF Jack, who never seem to be more than a few inches apart from eachother.
The boys’ baseball trainer & coach, Bryan who was so nice to come to Timmy’s birthday party. He told Timmy that if he hit well earlier that week that he would come to the party.
The original 3 friends!
See what I mean about not being more than a few inches apart?
Possibly my favorite picture from the party. Timmy deep in prayer that he gets a strike.
And although the party was NOT well run at all (the ‘helpers’ for the party were way less than helpful and the service was pretty awful) the kids had a great time, especially Timmy. So in the end that’s all that really matters. Just be forewarned if you are going to have a party there.
Since Timmy hates cake (even ice cream cake) and cupcakes which covers just about all of the available birthday party celebratory fare, so he decided on ice cream cups. Pretty good choice as it turns out!
I think he was pretty happy with the whole day!
On a sideish note- I wasn’t really feeling very well at the party (that was the start of my sinus infection I think) and missed so many great shots. I knew there was something up- I was so off my game. I watched as so many great shots passed me right by. At least I still got a few decent ones.
the vill boys
So sorry about the lack of new blog material lately. I’ve been so sick (more on that another day) and haven’t had it in me to edit pictures, take pictures or even blog pictures. But I’ve clawed my way back to the land of the living (it’s a much nicer place to be) and finally have a new blog post for you today.
Did a quick mini session for this new to bsquared family. Two little boys who were deliciously cute. The older one is having a bit of a hard time with the whole new baby thing and he wasn’t particularly up for pictures with me which was unfortunate for me- look at those eyes! So wanted a smiley picture out of him but it was not meant to be. Maybe next time. The baby, on the other hand, was pretty smiley for a 3 week old with great expressions!
Hope the new post was worth the wait!
happy valentines day.
to all of my bsquared blog stalkers. Sending you love and kisses! (and since the big boys are way too big for valentines at school, you’ll have to make do with Timmy’s valentines card that he’ll be handing out to his classmates today.)
And because I’m still trying to recover from this whatever sickness I’ve had for almost a month, that’s all I got today.
andreya & mike
My really good friend, Jen’s (who is also Timmy’s BFF Jack’s mom- following that?) sister Andreya got engaged to her long time boyfriend recently and while they were back home for the weekend I decided that we should do a mini session out in the snow to celebrate their engagement. And also to thank them booking me for their wedding in May 2012. I think Andreya and I were really excited about the shoot. Mike? Notsomuch. But he was a really good sport and toughed it out in the cold for us anyway.
Aren’t they the cutest? And so in loooooooove!
Who’s going to be a beautiful bride?!
From what everyone is telling me, their wedding venue (Lands End in Sayville) is fantastic and I’m going to love shooting there with all the pretty little spots and the wedding on the beach. Kinda wishing it was this May!
Congratulations you two!! Hope you like the pictures and have since thawed out from our little snow adventure!
the felb maternity session
For all my blog stalkers: So sorry I’ve been so lax on the blogging this week. I have a really, really bad sinus infection (so basically between this and the diptheria throat infection I had before this I’ve been sick for almost 3 weeks straight. Fabulous.) I’ve been pretty much layed out for a few days with fever, aches, chills, pains in my face, teeth and jaw, runny/stuffy nose, cough, random shooting hand pain (?), and just general sickness. Good times. Gotta shake this soon because I have a wedding to photograph next weekend and then a Disney trip to go on!
So getting back to work: After photographing this couple’s rehearsal dinner a few years back (time certainly does fly) I’m so happy and excited that I got to photograph their maternity session as well. Love watching people make their way thru life and all of the exciting things that happen. And this is definitely no exception!
Someone’s all glowy!!
Yes, it’s a boy. Daddy is so excited to have a football buddy of his own!
The original baby on the right. He’s so cute and pretty excited about the new baby too, I think.
In a few more months you’ll get to see their newest addition on the blog in his debut newborn shoot. Can’t wait for that!!