• birthdays,  personal

    happy 6th birthday, Timmy!!

    The birthday boy this morning, still enjoying his ongoing birthday vegetable. Love, love, love this boy!!

    It’s a family tradition to have a candle in every meal of the day on your birthday. Challenging getting it in the cheerios and milk, I gotta tell you. When Timmy was little, this was the result of singing happy birthday. We look thru his scrapbooks on his birthday every year and he got a real kick out of this page this year. Look at the big, grown up boy. Ok, going to go and cry now. 

  • personal

    6 for Saturday

    1. (disclaimer: mommy brag. if you don’t like em, don’t read it). Jack &  Patrick got their report cards for the second quarter today and I’m so amazed and proud. Jack has a 97.5 gpa and Patrick has a 97.6 gpa. Needless to say, Jack is not at all pleased! Even that 1/10th of a point pisses him off. And my favorite comments: Student is an asset to class. Student is a pleasure to teach. And the best…Exceptionally talented. You go, boys! Love you so much!

    2. We’ll be celebrating Timmy’s 6th birthday today with a bowling party. I’m taking some Motrin before I even leave the house. Pictures to follow.

    3. With all the snow that’s still around (it hasn’t really decreased at all and now has a nice frozen, shiny layer of ice on top) I think people in this town have just given up and now park their cars pretty much wherever they want. Like in the middle of the street. And no one cares. It’s a mess.

    4. I got my first email from a Marine in Combat Camera in Afghanistan today! So excited!! They have apparently received my packages and seemed to like what I sent. Some excerpts from the email:

    I would like to say thank you very much for the packages you have sent, i would also like to say that the packages that you have sent are not only for us to have but for other marines in our unit. Being so far from home anything is a gift to them and they are very appreciative that someone cares as much as you do. I was also very excitied to hear that you too are a photographer! And we also use the Canon EOS 5D Mark II, truly a beautiful camera to use. The only thing that is bad is that they arent really combat proof haha. I would say the hardest thing about doing our job is just keeping them clean. The dust here is unbelieveable and gets into every single crack the camera has. So we constanly have to clean them to make sure they dont break, like i said they arent combat proof. Its a fun job to have, we have the luxury of documenting history and its great to get the real story out unlike the media who think they know what it is like to be in our footstep, they have no idea. We use a 24-70mm and a 70-200mm lens. Usually we just stick to one lense when we go out on a patrol its kinda hard to switch between lenses while trying to watch around you making sure nothing bad happens. It really is an excellent camera to use.

    I will never complain again about difficult toddlers or babies peeing on me. At least I don’t have to worry about getting shot while changing lenses! It was such a great feeling to know that I maybe helped out a little and brought some smiles to a few Marine’s faces. I emailed back last night and am hoping to hear from some of the other Marines in the unit. I’ll keep you posted if I get more mail. I’ll be sending out more boxes for the troops within the next week. Probably a different Marine, one who hasn’t received much yet. I’m addicted!

    5. The daughter that I will never have. You’ll recognize this lovely one from the blog header and from past shoots. She’s awesome and recently took a photography lesson with me. I hope she had as great a time as I did. Plus, she was an excellent student. And she totally looks like Natalie Portman, right?

    Speaking of Natalie Portman, my down coat has a hole in it and I leave feathers pretty much wherever I go. I’m like the white swan (except not a dancer and not quite as insane.)

    6. Working on the Disney itenerary for our upcoming trip and getting really excited. Did you know that they have permanently closed down ToonTown? They are doing a whole Fantasyland expansion thing and even making the Dumbo ride bigger. They are also doing away with Snow White’s Scary Adventures. So sad- I love that ride! We’re going to be meeting up with my good friend Sharon & her family (and have numerous meals planned together, staying at the same hotel, and just generally doing the Disney thing with them) which I’m pretty excited about. Also planning on meeting up with my internet friend Amy from Iowa and her family. Can’t wait to finally meet. And at the happiest place on earth no less.

    Enjoy your weekend!

  • babies,  children & families

    the crof family

    A brand new to bsquared family with two of the most adorable boys, ever! They chose a mini session to get some photos of their new baby boy at their new home. We had tons of snow outside, so heading out there was out of the question. But we had a great shoot indoors. With lots of cuddles and smiles.

  • babies,  children & families

    the rhod family

    I’ve officially lost track of how many times I’ve photographed this family, who I adore! It’s been so fun watching the family grow (both in size and in age) and getting to know the kids better each shoot! Got to photograph the newest arrival after no less than 3 rescheduled sessions. Twice due to snow, once due to sickness (me & my diptheria- no, it really wasn’t diptheria but that’s what Patrick said it was). So Mr. M had to wait until he was 2 months old for his newborn picutres. Sorry, buddy! Hope it was worth the wait. And he peed on me, so I guess we’re even.

    The big man- D. He’s so delicious and funny and sweet. Even though we woke him up from a nap, I still got amazing smiles. Love this kid!Little Miss C. Can’t believe how much she’s grown already. Spunky and energetic to the max, this one. So happy with kisses from Daddy. Love the baby chub.  Great seeing you guys!! Can’t wait for the next shoot.

  • bsquared business,  personal

    getting bald for kids with cancer {St. Baldricks}

    Jack & Patrick decided all on their own to participate in the St. Baldricks Fundraiser this year. For those of you unfamiliar, St. Baldricks is the world’s largest volunteer-driven fundraising program for childhood cancer research. The Foundation now funds more in childhood cancer research grants than any organization except the U.S. government. Since 2000, events have taken place in 28 countries and 50 US states, raising over $87 million. More than 144,000 volunteers– including over 12,000 women– have shaved their heads in solidarity of children with cancer, while requesting donations of support from friends and family – each one becoming a walking billboard for the cause! I’m so happy and so, so proud that they are doing it!!

    I loathe their shaggy hair (it’s never this long and yes, I do realize that it’s not really all that long), but I just have to keep telling myself its for a really good cause.

    Cause I know some people will ask, Jack is on the left, Patrick on the right.

    If you’d like to help out and donate to the cause, you can support the boys directly. Find their pages here:

    Jack’s page (it says John B.) http://www.stbaldricks.org/participants/mypage/participantid/421571

    Patrick’s page: http://www.stbaldricks.org/participants/mypage/participantid/421585

    And of course there will be pictures immediately before, during the shaving and the after effects posted here to the blog. They’ll be getting shaved on March 19th and the hair will be growing until then! Thanks so much for supporting the boys, they’ll be so happy to see any donations on their pages!