• personal & corporate branding {headshots},  school

    RVC education foundation gala honorees

    I’ve been asked to photograph the Gala again this year, which is always a great evening. This year’s honorees are all teachers in RVC who have put in many, many years of teaching and touched the lives of countless students. Their pictures and short bio’s will be in the local paper this week, but here’s a preview of their pictures.

    Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. Birnbaum (who taught two of my three boys at Kindergarten readiness camp), and Mrs. Genovesi.

    The gala will be held on March 26th at 7pm at Hempstead Golf & Country Club. Would love to see you there (and for you to let me take your picture!). You can find more info on the gala and the foundation on their website HERE.

  • babies,  children & families,  personal

    introducing….quinn richard

    My newest nephew. In all his one week old deliciousness. He makes the 8th grandchild/cousin and the 8th boy. Yup, not one girl in the mix. Can’t wait to see what I’ll be making for this year’s Christmas card for my in-laws!

    And Quinn’s big brother James. Love that smile!!James did such a great job holding his new little brother. He definitely loves him!Got one with open eyes. He was the sleepiest, smushiest baby!And back to sleep.  Congratulations to Joe & Gail on their newest bundle of love!!

  • personal

    7 for Sunday

    This week’s installment.

    1. Timmy and his BFF Jack. They are inseperable. It’s so nice to see and watch them always look out for eachother. With all the crap weather, they’ve been spending lots of time inside but at least there’s been a lot of Star Wars playtime.

    2. This kid needs a haircut. As does the brothers. However, Jack & Patrick are going to be doing the St. Baldrick’s Fundraiser this year and shaving their heads raising money for kids with cancer. So proud of them!! But so not looking forward to seeing them all shaggy for the next few months!

    3. Those of you how know me, know how I feel about salad. But, I think I had a breakthru this past week, having salad 3 times this week for lunch. (trying to get back into Weight Watchers recently. It’s hard.) Even made it myself (baby greens, tomato, pear, goat cheese & fat free balsamic). It’s still hard but at least this tastes good.

    4. Should we even discuss the snow? I don’t think I have anything nice to say about it. That, and the fact that there’s more coming this week and the snow that we have already isn’t going to melt until July. Well… maybe the pictures just sum it all up.  5. Ok, I thought of one nice thing about the snow- it acts like a giant reflector for pictures even on cloudy days. But that’s all I got. And really, I’d rather carry around a real reflector than have to deal with this sh*t.

    6. Lots of new blog posts coming up this week. One 1 week old, some Education Foundation honorees, a new to bsquared family with two adorable little boys, a repeat client with a beautiful baby bump, a two month old and his family and I’m sure some other varied stuff coming too.

    7. Timmy’s birthday vegetable coming up starting Saturday (for those of you unfamiliar, we usually have a weeklong ‘birthday vegetable’ (that was really a birthday festival, but someone couldn’t pronounce it right) for the boys birthdays). Looking forward to lots of fun. And presents too I’m sure!

  • bsquared business

    february’s mini sessions special: benefiting Turn the Corner Foundation {for Lyme Disease}

    Believe it or not, this gorgeous, young, vivacious woman is sick. Really sick. She cannot get out of bed most days, she suffers thru blinding headaches 24/7 – Tachycardia – Chronic Fatigue – Autonomic Nervous System Dysfunction – inability to sit up or stand more than a few minutes without blacking out – seizures – brain fog – and multiple bizarre neurological symptoms that prevent her from being able to use a computer, speak on the phone, or ride in a car, etc. Every day. All of that from a tick bite and the resulting Lyme Disease.

    I’ve known Teri since she was about 5 years old- I was her nanny when I was in Graduate School. She has an amazing, loving family who I adore. Dad Gary, Mom Helen (who is an angel and a Lyme Warrior Mom for many people in addition to her daughter), and brother John. Teri was enrolled in University of Miami (I’d like to think that I had something to do with that!) and had to drop out due to her illness. Can you even imagine? Going from a full life in college to not leaving your bed, except to go to hospitals and doctors for treatments- and even that being almost more than she can take.

    In honor of Teri and millions of others suffering (often misdiagnosed, mistreated, and misunderstood) with Lyme Disease, I’m donating $10 from every mini session in February toward the Turn the Corner Foundation who helps fund Lyme Disease Research – Physician’s Training – Awareness – and more. Teri was a Courage Award recipient from TTC in 2010 for her enduring spirit and hope regardless of her horrible illness.

    Normally, mini sessions are only held on specific days and times at a location of my choosing, but for the special you can pick the date, time and location for your mini session (january-march only). Mini’s run $310 and you can find more info here: bsquared pricing and packages and find availability here:bsquared calendar

  • babies,  children & families,  christenings,  occassions & parties

    the stac christening

    I was so happy when mom booked me to photograph her little girl’s christening. Photographing christenings is always so much fun for me, especially when I get to be there for THE moment in the church. Little miss M did wonderfully, no crying at all. And priest was the funniest, most easy going priest I have ever seen. He was all about getting the mass done timely so everyone could get out to watch the Jets game and he was so good with all the kids there, having them come up to the font and explaining about the water. The best joke of the day? “How do you get water to become holy water? Boil the hell out of it.” Ha!

    She is perfect, isn’t she? And mom had the christening gown hanging right there in the window when I walked in. Just for me. Do my clients rock (and know me so well) or what?A few fun ones- the chaos of 3 littles and getting everyone ready to head to church and a party all while trying to look relaxed and calm. Ahhh, life. No doubt you will recognize a few of the faces here. Mary Ellen and Kenny were standing in for Miss M’s godparents who couldn’t be there for the Christening. Unfortunately, Sara (the godmother) was in the hospital with preterm labor with her 5th baby and was then sent home on bedrest and a terbutaline pump.  Been there, done that and I feel terrible for her. But I hope she can enjoy the pictures from her bed today- and Sara you’d better be laying your butt down!!!!! Hope you enjoy the pictures and thank you so much for letting me be there for Miss M’s special day!