• weddings

    she said yes to the dress

    This my cousin (actually cousin-in-law if you want to be technical) Jen who recently got engaged to Mike (who is the nicest!) They are getting married this fall and Jen asked me to go wedding dress shopping much to my surprise and joy! We had shopped together for her formal dress and  prom dress and had great luck those two times, finding THE dress at the first shop we went to both times. And I’m happy to report that we didn’t break the streak, but went for the hat-trick of dress shopping, finding her wedding dress at the first shop (and the second dress she tried on). I won’t be posting any pictures of THE dress here on the blog, but these were some of the rejects she tried on.

    *sorry about all the wonky colors in the pictures. the lighting in the store was all over the place and i couldn’t get it nailed down.

    It was tulle heaven.

    The beautiful ring. The even more beautiful bride to be. Yup, she bought one. We finished the whole process in 1hr. Can’t wait until the wedding and to see the dress in all it’s glory on the beautiful bride!

  • occassions & parties

    the baez surprise 40th

    Had a great time photographing a surprise party for a friend/client’s sister at Jimmy Hayes in Island Park.

    Waiting on the guest of honor- the view just as she’s walking in the door. Yeah, she was surprised!Sisters and mom. No family resemblence there at all, right?My friend, sister of the birthday girl and the organizer of the party. Whatever these two are giggling about makes it look like they are up to no good. Everyone at the party.  Hope the rest of the party was as great as the surprise part! Happy Birthday Deanna!!

  • personal

    a house divided

    I was thinking of that quote when I took the pictures and Jack started quoting the whole line (a house divided against itself cannot stand…) I had to look it up to find that Abraham Lincoln said it. I’m sure Jack already knew that (and the year, the venue and varied other tidbits of info regarding the quote). And sometime after the pictures below were taken, Patrick put on his new Jets jersey. So Timmy was all on his own. But he’s the one who won. I’m sure he’ll have a great time rubbing it in all day today.

    I went out wedding dress shopping with my cousin Jen, but was back in time to watch the game. Boo. Would’ve liked to have seen the Jets win. Well, at least someone in this house is happy.

    And I’d just like to add that it’s going to be 5 degrees out tonight. Five. FIVE. Why bother to be any?? Summer is never coming.

  • personal,  school

    5 for Friday

    1. First, let me apologize for the lack of blogginess lately. It’s definitely not busy season around here shoot-wise and while I do still have some stuff to edit and post, it’s not like how it is in April-December. So just hang in there with me thru the slow season where there may or may not be new blog posts everyday until I’m posting so much you get sick of me. Again.

    2. Spent the entire day up at the middle school yesterday for the boys Open School Day. I was so happy that they actually wanted me there (we’ll see what happens with that next year) and it was interesting following them around for the day to all their classes. I skipped out on lunch though. And a few thoughts on the day:

    -I didn’t bring the camera cause I figured it would embarrass them. I really, really wanted to bring it but I didn’t.

    -I’m so glad that the school part of my life is over. So glad.

    -I kept asking them when the “nap period” was. That was so exhausting. Holy crap.

    -It was totally the Jack (& Liam, pictured below) Show in Social Studies. Wow, I mean I knew he was smart, especially in that subject but it was ridiculous just how smart and what he knew.

    -we ended the day with a sushi dinner with their buddy Liam. So glad they are making such nice friends this year in middle school.

    3. Welcomed my newest nephew yesterday! Quinn Richard was born to Gail & Joe yesterday at 8:50am. 8lbs, 7oz. 20 inches long. So he makes the 8th cousin/grandchild. And the 8th boy. No girls for the Beyrer clan. I will be taking some pictures of him really soon as will post them to the blog, but in the meantime here’s a cell picture from Joe.

    4. I could seriously vomit from all the snow. And the cold. Hate all of it. And now I have what feels like razor blades in my throat, ear pain and swollen glands. Off to the doctor later this morning. Good times. The next trip to Florida can’t come soon enough. It’s quite possible that I will not make it thru this winter.

    5. What my life looks like right now, and another reason for the non-daily blogging. Quickbooks. Getting info off of the big imac and putting it all in the macbook pro. This whole business end of business is SO not for me. I’d much rather be taking pretty pictures and editing. Not spending the days entering receipts, reconciling bank statements, etc. I’ve never had a head for this end of things. And I hate it. A lot. A big, huge thank you to my friend Gina who drove in the crappy weather all the way out here to help me learn Quickbooks and answer my asinine questions. Repeatedly.

    Hope you all have a great weekend!

  • personal


    Jets, Jets, Jets!

    This is what my den looked like during the game. John actually was excited. Can’t you tell?

    This weekend’s game should be interesting, we’ll have a house divided. John likes both the Jets and the Steelers, Patrick is also between the two, Timmy is totally Steelers and Jack is totally Jets. And I’ll be out wedding dress shopping with my cousin Jen. I’m so excited for that!!!