• birthdays,  children & families,  occassions & parties

    the burberry princess birthday

    If you follow the blog, you will definitely remember this little burberry princess from many past shoots. And although there was no burberry this shoot, there was plenty of princess!! Katie turned 4 and celebrated in style!

    They had the party at the Reebok club, which as fate would have it, is right next door to the Burberry store. Mom made the cake and cupcakes. So cute!!Grandmas.And if it wasn’t enough to have a zillion little princesses around for the party, Snow White and Sleeping Beauty came too. And did makeup, games and dancing.  Happy Birthday, Katie!!!

  • personal

    7 for Sunday

    Sorry about the lack of blog post yesterday- I needed a day off.

    1. I’m convinced I have an eating disorder. Reverse anorexia. I think I’m skinnier than I actually am. Discuss.

    2. The 80’s party is coming along quite nicely and we have a bunch of people already signed up to come. I’d love to see everyone there, so please try to come if you can.

    3. The world is a very small place. When I was trolling around anysoldier.com and reading some of the stuff the soldiers were asking for I came across one Marine’s page from the Phillipines (that’s where he’s stationed) thanking some of the people who sent his unit stuff. One of them was the oral surgeon who did my jaw surgery back in 1990. Who is now a lawyer. Out of the thousands of soldiers on that site, what are the odds of me finding my old oral surgeon. It’s a crazy small place.

    4. That anysoldier.com site is addicting. But not really a bad place to be. So my packages for the troops got mailed out to Afghanistan on Friday and I am hoping that they make it there safe and that the Marines who receive it like everything we sent. The best part? The Marines I sent the packages to are Combat Camera!! It was meant to be that I found them and mailed the stuff to them. Photographic fate. I am really hoping that they write back to us and send some pictures. If they do and they say it’s okay, I’ll post them here. I did a little research on Combat Camera- they do carry weapons and work side by side with the other Marines on the front lines, but most of their shooting is done with the cameras, not the weapons. They said if you see them put down the camera and pick up the weapon, you know you’re in trouble. Wow, I thought it was hard photographing toddlers. I won’t complain anymore!!

    5. It’s open school day this week at the middle school, where parents are supposed to walk around with their kids the whole day. Its times like these when I really need a clone.

    6. It was Timmy’s Star of the Week week a few weeks ago (before christmas. And is that enough use of ‘week’ in one sentence, do you think?). Here’s some pictures from his day.

    7. It’s now 3:43am on Saturday night/Sunday morning. Guess I should be getting to bed. Shooting a christening today and have 2 parties to edit besides that this weekend and Monday. Busy, busy. But I wouldn’t have it any other way. Happy Sunday everyone and let’s go Jets!

  • occassions & parties,  personal

    beth & suzanne’s totally awesome 80’s party

    Cause you know I can never just sit around and always have to have my plate full-to-overflowing, my friend Suzanne and I are having a big 80’s party and you’re all invited!! (because everyone has been asking- the party started as a crazy 1am idea on Facebook when Suzanne and I were both posting old 80’s youTube MTV videos. And we said “hey, we should have an 80’s party!” So, here it is.) Here are the details, hope you can join us!!

    Saturday, April 2nd 8pm-11pm

    Kaseys American Grill

    23 N. Park Ave. Rockville Centre

    $50 per person at the door. Includes open bar, appetizers and all the 80’s music you can dance to! Wear your best 80’s outfits. Any proceeds will go toward ‘boxes for the troops’ (see yesterday’s post for details on that).

    Please let me know if you are coming (there are also evites and FB invitations out there, so you only have to let me know once! But we have to get an idea of a headcount to make sure we can meet our minimum guests or fit everyone!)

    Like, totally. Save Ferris!!

    And I’m SO excited to get my 80’s outfit together. The possibilities are mind boggling!!!!

  • bsquared business,  personal

    boxes for the troops

    I’ve always had a really soft spot for the men & women serving our country in the armed forces. So soft that sometimes I start tearing up when approaching them to say thank you for all they are doing. And I always make sure if I do see a soldier, I do say thank you.

    I’ve had this project in my head for a while and am finally doing something about it. I had originally (and still do) wanted to do a few free mini sessions each month for deploying soldiers and their families so that they will both (the soldier leaving and the family staying) have photos of eachother to hold on to until they get back. But I have found that it’s really hard to get in contact with anyone in the military to get that started, even after numerous phone calls and emails. Unless you know someone, it’s next to impossible getting in touch with someone enlisted that can help me get the word out. **(so, on that note if any of my local blog readers do have any military contacts or know of any enlisted men or women who will be deploying anytime soon and would like a free mini session from me, please, please, please get in touch with me by leaving me a message on the blog, on Facebook or by email (bethbeyrer@yahoo.com)).

    So, since I can’t seem to get the photography project off the ground (as of yet), I felt like I had to do something to show the troops how much I appreciate their sacrifice and service. So after some research into different organizations, I’ll be sending a bunch of boxes each month to soldiers in Afghanistan. I have an address for a soldier over there with a list of some of his/his unit’s requests. I found them on Anysoldier.com. I am also going to be sending some boxes to Operation American Soldier where they send packages to soldiers who get very little (or sometimes even NO) mail.

    Here’s this month’s boxes and a list of what’s in each one.

    2prs white tube socks, 2 pkgs beef ramen noodles, 2 pkgs Ritz bits with Cheese, 1 pkg mini choc chip cookies, 1 box EasyMac, 1pkg chicken ramen noodles, 1pkg goldfish, 1 pkg twizlers, 4 nature valley granola bars, 9 quaker choc chip chewy granola bars, instant coffee pkg, 1 mini can spagettios w meatballs, 1 mini can tuna, 1pkg choc chunk brownies, 1 pkg milanos, 5 slim jims, 1 deck of playing cards, 2 chap sticks, handful jolly ranchers, loofah, 1 paperback book, 1 video, 1 pkg candy buttons, 1 pkg candy drinks (you remember those wax bottles w the sugary drink in it), paper, envelopes, 2 pens, handmade cards from the boys, and a letter from me.

    I’m hoping that I hear back from the guys that I’m sending to and they send me a request list for another set of boxes, or even a new unit’s address who could use some cheer. I’m also hoping that the boys get some pen pals- some real life heroes (not celebrities, not musicians, not sports figures- but REAL heroes who risk their lives daily) to write to. And next month, I’m hoping to send even more!!

    I’d love it if any of my blog readers would like to contribute to the cause, or even send out your own boxes. I’m happy to take donations (either for stuff or funds to buy more stuff). It doesn’t matter your political stance, your feeling on the war, your feeling on American troops being sent to all of places they are stationed in the world. These guys give up their whole lives to serve our country. The conditions they face are everything from scary to beyond imagination. (I found some pictures online of the soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan sleeping in what looked like graves while on patrol. Holes dug in the dirt. That’s where they sleep. In the hot and freezing desert. I will do my best to never complain again about being hot, cold, hungry, tired, etc.  When I think of them out there for months at a time the mommy in me says I have to send them some comforts from home.

    Thanks for reading!