• elf on the shelf,  personal,  travel

    bob takes a holiday

    After working (or was that playing) very hard over Christmas, Bob snuck into our luggage (or muggage as per Timmy) and ended up on vacation in Florida.

    Yay! Vacation!!!

    Bob seemed to settle in very nicely with the local flora and fauna. He even hitched a ride in the bag down to the pool.  Don’t forget your swimmies, bob! Although they are a bit big on you. Contemplating a dip. Getting in slowly. Who knew elves were so buoyant? Swim, Bob, swim!After a close call in the pool, Bob was rescued with the life ring. Just chillin poolside.  It took a while, but Bob did eventually dry off. I think he had a nice relaxing vacation. He’s just going to stay out of the pool for a while.

    Hope the further adventures of Bob brought a smile to your face on this very snowy day!

  • personal,  travel

    florida favorites- part 2

    Some more shots from our Florida trip. With a nod to the upcoming snowstorm coming tonight into Wednesday, I’m seriously considering hopping right back on a plane headed to Ft. Lauderdale airport. The kids are big enough to get themselves to and from school, right? I mean really. They have to grow up sometime.

    After Timmy walked face (nose) first into the sliding glass doors-Twice- Hakka decided to put up the stop hand. It actually worked. Either that, or Timmy just figured out that he should probably not walk into the glass doors anymore. With the weather being cool, iffy and occassionally nice, the boys spent a lot of time on the balcony with their laptops, DS’s or Kindles. My most favorite view which is from the cafe where we have lunch every day. Yeah, it doesn’t suck. And you see that sandbar where the waves are breaking? On Monday when the boys were supposed to be in school, the 4 of us were standing out there in the middle of the ocean knee deep in warm, clear water at 1:05pm when they should have been in 7th period and Timmy would’ve been learning his letter of the week. The sandbar was much better. We finally had pool weather toward the end of vacation. It got so hot out two days that I even went in. New Years from the balcony. Timmy almost made it till midnight (he crashed hard in the livingroom chair at about 11:10pm). He did make it longer than John did, though! Seriously, with the amount of snow and freezing weather we’re having I’m not entirely sure that the 26 days we will be spending in Florida this year (not in a row) will be enough. In fact, I know it won’t be enough. I’m freeeeeeeeezing. Calgon, take me away.

  • babies,  children & families,  christenings,  occassions & parties

    the owen christening

    Ok, so they were on the blog very recently for their holiday card photos, but here they are again for their baby’s Christening. You know they are one of my favorite families, so you’ll just have to muddle through another owen family post (again, with lots of familiar faces).

    He’s beautiful.

    And so is his big sister. Love this one- he’s looking at me like ‘are you sure this is what’s supposed to be going on here?’And off to the big event. So psyched I caught a couple of water droplets. Miss K and her godparents, Mr B and his. Grandma & Grandpa and all their grandchildren. (all familiar faces, here!)Wishing you many blessings everyday my friends! Love to all of you!!

  • personal,  travel

    7 for Sunday

    1. Fell asleep last night in Timmy’s bed around 10pm, woke up in my bed around 11am this morning (hence the late blog post!) Now, THAT was sleep!! Guess I’m still catching up from last year’s lack of sleep.

    2. We are all addicted to any electronic gadget. Ever. This is what the collection in Florida looked like. (Starting from the bottom) John’s laptop, my mom’s laptop, Patrick’s macbook, Jack’s macbook, my macbook pro, our ipad, my mom’s ipad, my mom’s kindle, my dad’s kindle, Jack’s Kindle, my Kindle, Timmy’s inherited kindle, Patrick’s kindle, John’s phone & blackberry, my blackberry, Mom & Dad’s droids, Patrick’s DS, Jack’s DS, Timmy’s DS, Jack’s phone. Can you even imagine the scene at airport security?  (and I just realized I forgot to add in the ipod touch to this picture). All of these gadgets makes me miss my grandpa. He was always, always up on the latest technology and had every gadget the moment it came out. I think he’d LOVE the ipad.

    3. I really hemmed and hawed about getting the 11 year olds their own macbooks, but I’m glad I did. They used the desktop at home (which is ooooold and filled with viruses from all the crap they are downloading all the time) almost everyday for homework so I figured these would be used often. And they are. And hopefully, they’ll last them a while. A long while.

    4. Sitting by the pool in Florida listening to some of the old folks music was actually quite nice- especially Moon River. Love that song. Realizing someday that I’ll be the old folks and wondering if the “kids” at the pool will enjoy listening to Echo and the Bunnymen or Depeche Mode from me.

    5. Speaking of 80’s music- my friend Suzanne and I are putting together a big 80’s party for March. Details coming soon but I really hope you’ll all come. I think it’s going to be a blast!! And if any of you are interested in helping with the planning, please email or call me! Do you think anyone will actually show up??

    6. Timmy calls God “the person after heaven”. I love that!!

    7. Got the boys mid-quarter progress reports and they were fantastic as always. It does a mom’s heart good to see nothing but “student is a pleasure to teach” and “student is an asset to the class” on each progress report and report card.

    Hope you all have a great Sunday!

  • babies,  birthdays,  occassions & parties

    the pers 1st birthday

    After photographing this little one as a (almost) newborn, I was so happy to be asked to come and capture her big first birthday bash! If you are a blog stalker, I’m sure you’ll recognize many familiar faces in the crowd. Miss N seemed to have a great time at her party, especially with Elmo and her new car.

    The picture on the right is so Sesame Street. Big and little. A little musical chairs.Twins (grandma and aunt)!Here are those familiar faces…Showing off some of her tricks and smiles (told ya the new car was a big hit!)She looks like she’s saying “wow, all of this is for ME?”Happy Birthday sweet Miss N! Great seeing all of my bsquared friends and thanks for letting me celebrate with you!