the lerh family
Is she or is she not the prettiest little christmas baby you have ever seen? Last time I photographed her she was brand new (less than 2 weeks old) and now just look at her- sitting up, crawling, smiling- all of it! I think they are all going to have the merriest of christmases!
the schu family
A few families posts got lost in the holiday madness shuffle so I’m getting around to posting them now. And this one was way too good to miss out on!
Tea, anyone?
Adore this little guy’s personality! And him being a lover of Mickey doesn’t hurt much either.
This one has been on the move since she was born. I think she started walking at 9months or so.
I could photograph her allllll day.
One of my most favorite family pictures, ever.
Omg, love the tutu with the rainboots. Couldn’t be better.
And btw, the “park” where we took all these great shots? Yeah, that’s their backyard.
bob & the big man {our elf on the shelf}
When it all goes wrong for an elf, what else to do than go straight to the top to get things straightened out.
Santa seemed very happy to see Bob (and vice-versa). He did give Bob a strongly worded lecture on proper elf ettiquette however and warned him that he’d be out of a job if he ever pulled those stunts again. Bob seemed to take it all to heart and was appropriately contrite.
He took a few minutes to whisper in Santa’s ear about what the Beyrer family wants for Christmas this year and put in an extra good word for all of us (even though we did help him down his road of debauchery a little bit!). Thanks, Bob!! And Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas to everyone! I really, really loved hearing from all of you about the Bob posts and am so glad you all liked them- I think they were the most commented on posts ever in the history of the bsquared blog(via email, FB comments and FB messages and seeing blog stalkers in real life.) Sad but true. And yes, I do realize that I’m twisted, crazy, and need to get out more. But this is what happens after months of non-stop working and very little sleep. At least I made you all laugh!!
You never know when/where Bob might be popping up in the future (Elves do exist outside of Christmas, ya know) so be on the lookout for some intermittent Bob during 2011. And he’ll be back next Christmas for sure (it was so fun doing it- I can’t wait until next year!) You can only imagine the looks I got from all of Santa’s helpers and the other shoppers while finishing up the Bob pictorial.
Whateva. Don’t mock the Bob, people.
I hope everyone has a lovely day whether or not you are celebrating, and are surrounded by family and friends, health and love. And pictures!!
bob goes clean {our elf on the shelf}
Somehow, during the night Bob escaped the Lego gestapo/Bobivers travels predicament and travelled back to his roots to get himself cleaned up and back on the right path.
Nothing like a jacuzzi of holiday ornaments to make an elf feel like himself again.
And spending time with friends from the North Pole can always lift an elf’s spirits. Thumpety thump thump….
In the Charlie Brown Christmas tree.
And hanging at his house (which Timmy says is “Bob’s Dreamhouse”- like in Barbie’s dreamhouse) back up in the North Pole. Hmmmm….I think Bob grew a little since he left home. Must’ve been all those sweets he was eating while he was with us.
And in a final moment of repentance, a salute to his adopted homeland.
The last bit of Bob’s clean up on the blog tomorrow. Hope you are all enjoying your Christmas Eve!!
bob & punishment {our elf on a shelf}
The Lego Secret Police were on the job yesterday and saw Bob drunk driving. The found him this morning layed out next to the toilet with a bottle of asprin, and the judge at Lego court sentenced him to 1 day of community service for his actions. Maybe cause it’s his first offense? He’s so lucky he didn’t have to go to jail. Maybe he used Lindsay Lohan’s lawyer?
His sentence included working for Habitat for Humanity in Legoland and building the poor a new castle.
But then he tried to run away, even under heavy guard from the Lego Secret Police.
These Lego guys don’t mess around. It’s like Bobivers Travels up there.
How is Bob ever going to get out of this mess? And with only two days until Christmas!! To be continued…