the reaga girls
I’m sure you’ll remember these identical twin girls from the many years they’ve been friends with the boys at the beach. We had a great and quick mini session at the Garden City Hotel & then a fun and delicious sushi dinner with both families. Love combining business and pleasure!
Mom is a real traditionalist when it comes to Christmas photos so I tried to fill her request with lots of holiday decorations.
the coyn family
A brand new to bsquared family and they did not disappoint! Three beautiful girls (well, really 4 counting mom!) and gorgeous end of the day light with temperatures just warn enough to get outside for my last shoot of the very busy weekend.
This one loved posing. And I loved to have her pose!
We lost this one and her sister pretty quickly after starting the shoot, but we did get some smiles- especially at the beginning.
Love the self comforting!
Thanks to all of you for your hard work to make our shoot great!
the patt family
Please excuse my lack of narrative today- the day I’m writing this I’m sick with a nasty cold and ridiculous headache.
2 sets of brothers, each with their own big personalities which equalled a house full of cousins and photos! A very proud grandma had to get in on a few of the pictures, too.
The first set of brothers, getting all ready for Christmas.
Love the brothers looking at eachother in the family shot. You know they’re up to something!
And the other set of brothers. The little one was a tough customer with the smiles, but we somehow got a few. And the big brother- ya think he’s a little excited about Christmas?
He’d had enough and was leaving. Right then.
Thanks for a great shoot and for showing some Christmas spirit!
the sylv family
My 3rd (or possibly 4th- we all lost count!) photographing this family of boys. And now, there are 4 boys instead of 3. Very exciting, busy stuff!! Mom told me the 3rd can be really difficult but he must’ve been having a great day cause he was nothing but smiles and cooperation. A little candy bribe almost always does the trick! And the other boys- all fun and laughs!
I mean really. Look at that angellic face. How could he be trouble?!
Thanks to all of you for a great shoot!!
the kell family & baby
My friend Lois just recently added her 4th beautiful child to her family and I was so happy she asked me to come and photograph him. We had planned a delivery room shoot and it was all cleared and set with the doctor and the hospital, but a week before her delivery a film crew was in the hospital filming a delivery where something went awry and photographers were no longer welcome. We were both SO bummed, but at least I still got to meet him when he was less than 2 weeks old, in all his toasty new deliciousness.
Don’t know why I love this one, but I do.
He liked my Justin Beiber story, but is just like his dad & grandpa and does NOT like the camera. But it sure does like him!
His belly button fell off moments after this shot.
Eye contact like this from a less than 2 week old? Yes, please.
What a beauty!
Don’t you love his new glasses?
It was more than a little chilly out, but they were all brave!
Nighty night.