the cros family
I’ve been friendly with this family since my big boys were little boys, but this was my first time photographing them. I was so glad to do it, too. The whole family is totally gorgeous and ridiculously photogenic, and I had a great time taking their pictures. You can see why, right?
This young man is a very talented dancer and has traveled worldwide to compete in dance competitions. He pretty much always wins. And he’s a really good fake smiler (most of the time I can tell which smiles are fake and which are real. With him, I couldn’t tell.) And, it was his birthday on the day of our shoot. While I’m certain that the photoshoot was not the way he wanted to spend his day, he didn’t stop reminding all of us that it was his birthday and was really a good sport about the whole thing.
And this one- not only can I not believe she’s in 4th grade (she’s still about 2 years old in my head) she is drop dead gorgeous. She so has that look.
Too bad they’re such miserable children.
Happy birthday.
Isn’t mom stunning? She has recently started her own event planning business. So if you are in the market for help planning a wedding or other event please take a look at her business at http://andrewscottevents.com/
Gorgeous family. Thanks for a great shoot (and sorry S, that it had to be on your birthday!!)
the debo family
The very generous grandma of this bunch gifted mom & dad with a bsquared shoot for an early christmas present. Grandma is a loyal blog stalker (thanks, Mrs. L!) and actually also got her daughter addicted too. They are both waiting for the family to make their debut here on the blog. Well, here’s the whole good lookin family!
This charming young lady had the same teacher that Timmy has now for Kindergarten back when she was in Kindergarten. At a different school. In a different town. Small world.
the take family
Hi, my name is Maria but you can also call me Ben. The little girl in this family insisted that my name was either Maria or Ben. Why? No idea. But if you let me take your picture you can call me whatever you want. Her brother on the other hand, didn’t want to call me anything. He just wanted me to leave. I think this may have been one of the only sessions where I couldn’t get a family shot or even a shot of all of the kids together. Or hardly any pictures of him at all. But they are little kids, and that’s what sometimes happens.
The new baby however, let me take as many pictures as I wanted. And didn’t call me anything.
This was the closest thing to a smile I got after the first 5 minutes of being there. The lighting was bad, but I had to take it and fast!
He was pretty happy on his bike. For a little while.
Thanks to all of you for my new names and baby fix! I hope you are happy with the shots we did get!
what I’m thankful for
Um, pretty much everything and everyone in my life. That I have a fantastic, supportive husband who helps out as much as he can around here. That we’ve been married for 15 years and together for 17. That I have 3 absolutely amazing boys that I adore (and who seem to really like me too. Most of the time). That they are kind, (super) smart, loving, fun and healthy. That I have a wonderful extended family and the best friends anyone could ask for. All people who will drop everything and go out of their way to help out.
And that I get to do what I love for a living. That I have the best clients, ever. And that busy season is so busy, even in this crappy economy. That people come to read this blog everyday and that new and past clients keep referring their friends.
That we have a fridge full of food and pantry stocked to the gills for today’s Thanksgiving celebration. That we are all healthy (relatively) and that we have a warm, safe home to live in. That even though I’m exhausted constantly that just means that I’m healthy enough to work and love my family.
Thankful for it all.
I am hoping that all of you have a wonderful Thanksgiving today and get to spend the day with those you love!
And since I haven’t had a personal post in ages, here’s a ton of pictures for your viewing pleasure. Took them at the beach club this summer (ah, summer. I wish it still was. I’ve already started wearing my coat inside the house so you know that it’s officially winter- at least in my world. 30 days until Florida!) and I love each of them more than the next.
the frie family
Last year with this family was a bust. A total disasterous weather bust. As in, I didn’t get to do the shoot at all because of lots of rain. But I am hoping the pictures from this year make up for it.
I travelled up to White Plains for their shoot which we did in Dad’s parents park backyard. Um, I think I need to rent this place out. The light- fantastic. The family- even better than that!