the ligu family {mini session}
My second time photographing this fun little bunch. While I was hoping to get a shot of the two little ones together this time (they wouldn’t sit together AT ALL for the last shoot) it still didn’t quite happen. I’m hopeful for next year. There was a lot of ‘shooting on the fly’ for me during this shoot as it was mostly just chasing after then. They are super busy and oh so cute. With the whole park to explore and no means of ‘containment’, I got some gooood exercise!
This was as close to getting them together as I got.
Funniest expressions during a shoot? Winner!
the boha family {mini session}
Moving right along thru my mini session day at Hempstead Lake, I had the opportunity to photograph this amazing family with 4 great kids. They were originally scheduled for later in the day but since the time they booked it, Dad was scheduled for a business trip to Europe and he was leaving that afternoon- right when the shoot was. With some very nice and understanding clients help, they swapped spots so we could get their shoot in before dad took off. Good thing too- they were so fun and awesome to photograph- I would’ve been so sad to miss out on their shoot.
Can’t believe this one is sitting up so well all by himself already. Feels like last week I photographed him as a newborn! Guess sitting up helps him not miss out on the rest of the action around him. And believe me, there is action.
Thanks for working it out and hope the business trip was successful!
the palm family {mini session}
Another gorgeous family, another mini session in a day full of both. And another new to bsquared family who I was thrilled to meet and photograph. Loved the christmas attire (wow, feel like the holidays are getting so close- and clearly, I need to step it up and get it in gear!)
Isn’t she just stunning?
Mom specifically asked for the swan in the picture. Well, I did what I could to get him to hop into our shot, other than swimming out to grab him. Next year, I’ll obviously have to work out a deal with the swan to be in all the lake photos. Wonder how much his fee will be.
Thanks for a great shoot! Lovely to meet you all.
the bozz family {mini session}
My very good friend Zoraida and her son stopped by for a mini session again this year. I’m sure you blog stalkers out there remember Z from past shoots that we did for her and from her second shooting a few weddings with me this past year. She’s starting her own photography business as well and I couldn’t be happier or more excited for her.
M gets more and more handsome every year. And more and more sick of me taking his picture every year too. Sorry, dude. Between me and your mom, there’s always going to be a camera pointed at you!
Handsome I tell you. I mentioned that already, right?
the gonz family {mini session}
Another new to bsquared family that I was so happy to meet and make some pictures with. Their handsome son was very, very nervous of me and pretty stiff to start out (he was pretty tired too having spent the whole day before at Great Adventure riding all the big rides. If he can ride the big rides, he really shouldn’t be afraid of ME!) but he did relax and warm up a bit by the end, especially while taking pictures with mom & dad.
Some families dig the graffitti, some don’t. Dad said that he was from Queens originally and would love to have a picture with something from his youth. Right up my alley, too!
Thanks for a great session and it was so nice to meet you. Hope you enjoy your pictures!