
a house divided

I was thinking of that quote when I took the pictures and Jack started quoting the whole line (a house divided against itself cannot stand…) I had to look it up to find that Abraham Lincoln said it. I’m sure Jack already knew that (and the year, the venue and varied other tidbits of info regarding the quote). And sometime after the pictures below were taken, Patrick put on his new Jets jersey. So Timmy was all on his own. But he’s the one who won. I’m sure he’ll have a great time rubbing it in all day today.

I went out wedding dress shopping with my cousin Jen, but was back in time to watch the game. Boo. Would’ve liked to have seen the Jets win. Well, at least someone in this house is happy.

And I’d just like to add that it’s going to be 5 degrees out tonight. Five. FIVE. Why bother to be any?? Summer is never coming.