
fifty shades

I am somewhat of an avid reader. I love to read but usually don’t have too much time to do so (hence the somewhat part of the avid). I haven’t been reading much lately- just busy with work, life and Disney. However, when 2 friends recommended the Fifty Shades of Grey trilogy and I read the summary, I was hooked. Bad.

So, for those of you who have read the books you know theres not much to discuss on a ‘family blog’ such as this, but suffice it to say I called it “Twilight with no vampires but with lots of xorn” (just replace the x on xorn with a p.) There were quite a number of times while reading I stopped to say “ohmy”. Out loud. The funny thing is that I later found out after finishing all the books that the 50 shades books actually started out as fan fiction based on Twilight. No wonder I loved them!  Christian=Edward, Ana=Bella, Ana’s mom =Bella’s mom, Ana’s stepdad= Bella’s dad, Mia= Alice (it was really the Mia/Alice thing that got me thinking about twilight). The whole dark vs. white knight (what if I’m the bad guy) thing, the controlling aspects of Christian/Edward’s personalities, Fifty being rich. The characters even “look” like they do in Twilight, just more grown up.

And the jeans from the RRoP. Yeah.

If you are up for a great read (but be forewarned about the xorn), I definitely recommend them. They could definitely have used a much tighter edit but they are like crack. You know it’s rotting your brain, but you just keep on doing it anyway. With a smile.