the dizd family & the nitk family
Two fabulous families who live in my parents building. This was the day of mis-scheduled shoots. Although everything was running on time, it just seemed like all the babies and toddlers I photographed either woke up too early, or didn't sleep well the night before…or something else that threw them off and it was (not regularly scheduled but needed nonetheless) naptime during the shoot. We muddled thru and still got some great shots of everyone.
This was my first time meeting the nitk family who are my parents next door neighbors in the building and they were just lovely. Their little girl is such a peanut and so cute. She got tired and done with me pretty quickly, but we still squeaked out a few great smiles. She did a great job trying to sit up alone- she was able to hold it long enough for some smiles and a few shots before toppling over.
The dizd family are all so good looking. You might remember this big little boy from his newborn session a while back. He's gotten so big (well, I guess I should say so much biggER since he was a big boy to begin with). His cousin and aunt were there too, so we did a mini session for them as well. What a cutie he was- lots of spirit and sparkly blue eyes.