
well, that’s a wrap

Summer is all done. It went way too fast (especially since I worked almost every weekend this summer so I missed a lot of beach time).

We had a great weekend- went out east on Saturday to Greenport (Coronet for lunch and yummy chocolate milkshakes which the boys demolished in 3 seconds flat and even Timmy liked, the duck store, the carousel) and then to the outlets in Riverhead for some boys clothes and shoes. Sunday and Monday at the beach where the weather was perfection but the flies were miserable. We stuck it out and stayed down there (and got eaten alive) but we had to suck the last seconds out of the summer.

Last before school pictures of the boys. We took a little fieldtrip to planting fields for some shots there. Can’t show you all of them as some might be xmas card material. Hope everyone had a great end of summer. Now it’s back to working every weekend for me until Christmas!

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