children & families

the sum family


This shoot was practically a year in the making, but it was sooooo worth it (at least I think so, I hope you do too J). J called me about a year ago for a shoot when her little girl was born. They lived in NYC at the time, and at the time I wasn’t travelling so we didn’t do it. Fast forward to a year later when I am travelling like crazy (New Jersey, Long Island City, Brooklyn, NYC, Chappaqua…) and they have moved out of NYC to a new house and we finally set it up. Then we had to reschedule our first date due to rain. I’m not sure either one of us thought it would ever happen. But it sure did!

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Miss D was so cute and although we thought we weren’t getting many smiles out of her, we did afterall. And yes, that is all in their ridiculously huge and beautiful backyard. Not a park. Well, I guess it is kinda a park in their own yard! And loved the very very friendly dog. He’s pretty photogenic too.

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Love the “babydoll on a shelf”.


And the tu-tu…no words for this one! I have been waiting FOREVER for a tutu shoot and when I saw this in the spare room, I grabbed it with glee and begged to use it. I don’t think it took much convincing.


J, Hope you find something for your new canvas (or two or three…)

Please click HERE to view the rest of the images from the shoot.