baseball,  personal


Img_8340sl Trying to catch up on all my personal pictures, too! The boys started baseball like ummm……two weeks ago, and I’m just getting to post them now. Yikes! Img_8414sl

They are having a great time this year and I think they are really enjoying being the older kids on the team this year. John is a coach again (which the boys told him they are really happy about and that they really like that he’s at every game) and I think he actually enjoys it. Except for his back hurting. And the juggling to get them to the games is interesting. They have soccer and baseball games on the same day, plus with me working every weekend, we’ve required a lot of grandma’s and uncle nelson’s help with coordinating schedules and Timmy’s naps. But, luckily they can help out or else we would be in big trouble.

The boys told me their favorite positions this year are: Jack= catcher, 2nd base & pitcher and Patrick= 1st base, 3rd base & center field. Their hitting and fielding skills have improved a lot since last year. They’ve only played in one game so far this season (out of two- they missed one cause they went to a Mets game that night) but have spent a lot of time practicing in the backyard. I now have a nice dirt pitchers mound as well as a nice dirt batting box right here in my backyard. Just from all the wear in those spots– and no grass will grow there ever again. Someone once told me the expression "I’m raising boys, not grass". So true- gotta love that!Img_8304sl Img_8307sl Img_8309sl Img_8313sl Img_8316sl Img_8324sl Img_8330sl Img_8353sl Img_8354sl Img_8357sl Img_8361sl Img_8370sl Img_8378sl Img_8379sl Img_8382sl Img_8392sl Img_8398sl Img_8399sl Img_8404sl