Even though the lighting is so terrible, I just love this picture. Seriously- how cute is this kid??! I know I’m a bit biased, but come ON. He is so stinkin awesome!
Some stuff over the last few months (I’m so behind on this kind of thing which upsets me) that he says that I want to remember:
- Qcu me (excuse me)
- glirl (no boy in this house can say the word girl correctly)
- don’t worry, mommy. I commin.
- whacha doin mommy?
- "whot?"
- mommy, you’re a genius!
- thank you, mommy, thank you!
- maybe Santa will bring me that for christmas.
- my shoes not all tied.
- my _____, my beautiful_____ (insert whatever is broken or hurt: ie toy, eyes, nose, etc.)
- i beautiful can’t.
- while having a fit, if i tell him he can’t do something he wants to if he continues with the fit ‘oh, okay mommy, i can _______"
- i can stop the nawnsense.
- awwww….he’s so cuuuuute.
- pooka planet (also sometimes hooka planet)
- i stay them/it on. (talking about his shoes or coat or hat)
- don’t call me like that!
- sings the "fish heads" song with me. Eat them up, yum!
In other news, for those of you waiting for your pictures, I am hoping to have them up by Friday night or Saturday morning. Working hard, there’s just a lot of them. Shooting three communions this weekend. Keep a good thought for nice weather!
Feeling better (not all the way, but some) for those of you who asked. Apparently, I’m stuck with this Fifths crap for 3-4 more weeks until it works its way out of my system. Not contaigous at all, just achy, swollen and arthritic. Fun. Especially on photoshoots. I just try to ignore it as much as possible.
I think I have to face the fact that I am not scrapbooking anymore. I honestly don’t have the urge, it’s just work to me at this point. Which is really so sad. I’ve been doing it for so long now that I feel guilty not doing it! But the photography thing has just totally taken over everything. Not just the business end of it, but taking my own pictures too.I feel like I’m pouring all of my creativity into that. Not that photography is a bad thing (especially for my clients) to be passionate about- and I am- I just don’t have the inclination to scrap. So what the hell do I do with all my stuff? Do I sell it? Do I pack it away and see if the urge ever comes back? (John is voting for the latter option). I even think I might dismantle the scrapbook room (*gasp*) and turn into a guestroom with a bed and everything. Maybe I’ll make into the "photography room" instead with tons of pictures all over. Any suggestions?
In lieu of scrapbooking, I have found something to step in in it’s place, so I’m still using the zillions of pictures I take and still keeping up with documenting their lives. It’s a photobook and I’m in the middle of working on 2007’s now. I will show you when it’s all done and published. I’m having a great time doing it and I love the way it looks so far. And one of the best parts of the photobook…I don’t have to print every picture I take (cause I’m not scrapping them). I can just blow up my favorites and put them around the house. Now, if I can just get to that….