
stuff….around here

Haven’t had a second to post about anything that has been going on around here at all. Not that I am complaining about the number of shoots! I am loving it!

-Looks like everyone is getting in on the picture taking action around here. Too bad there is no film, the camera isn’t open, and there are no batteries. Timmy dosen’t seem to care. He comes running up saying "say cheeeeeeese…click!". I think he likes being on that side of the camera for a change.Img_8461sc_2

-Jack’s second top front tooth is really loose. He might be asking Santa for his two front teeth this Christmas. Uncle Joe (the dentist, not the plumber) might be making another housecall soon.

-Patrick is still on his spelling streak. He has gotten every word right so far this year. Last year (the whole year) too. He is very proud of that. So am I.

-Timmy is loving the "juicebox" lately (yeah, that would be the Jukebox). He will sit in front of it bopping around and clapping his hands if he thinks no one is looking. As soon as he notices that you are watching him, he stops, jumps down and acts all embarrassed. So cute!Img_9435sc_2 Img_9437x_2

-Must fold the laundry. Tonight. It will probably be tommorrow, I’m tired.Img_9442x_2

-Thinking about getting myself an early Christmas present. Looking at the 24mm 1.4/f L lens. Love it, it’s just a lot.

-Got some pretty pink roses this week. John was in biiiiiig trouble. But he’s not anymore. And not cause of the flowers. Img_8463sc_2

-Jack has all kinds of good ideas about my business. He thinks I should have a "picture of the week" or "family of the week" promotion where someone with the best picture wins the title for the week and gets a gift certificate to bsquared photography. Love that idea. Maybe in the new year. Pretty savvy for an 8 year old, huh? Gotta love him, even if he talks ALL. THE. TIME.

-Having a hard time saying "I’m a photographer".  I don’t know why. I don’t really feel like I’m at that level to say that. I still feel like that "mom with a camera". Like it’s a sham to say that I am a photographer. I am though. I guess. The words still don’t fit in my mouth right.

-So looking forward to seeing Robin and Joe this weekend. The boys are thrilled that they are coming (and to be able to call Joe, Uncle Joe as now it’s official) and are planning a big Wii and Play Station 2 tournament. I can’t wait to see who wins. Robin said she and Joe are rusty at Lego Star Wars. Robins_wedding_125x_2

-I will be teaching scrapbooking to a bunch of Brownies on Friday afternoon. I did it last year and it was a lot of fun, and I think the girls really liked it. I will try to remember to bring my camera so I can post pictures later.

-Timmy had a great story to tell me today. His teacher told me he had a very messy pullup at school and she changed him, but that’s all she said. When we got in the car, Timmy started telling me the rest of the story….He said he had a poopy accident and said "oh, dammit"(yeah, can’t imagine where he got THAT from). He then told me that Miss Diane said that he can’t say dammit in school cause it’s a bad word. I just love it that he told me the story all on his own. I know I shouldn’t have but I couldn’t help cracking up!

-I have lots more shoots coming up this week (one Wednesday, three Saturday, and three Sunday weather permitting) so look for lots more pictures on the blog soon.

Thanks for reading if you made it this far.