children & families

moving right along…shoot #3 “the Lan family”

A mini-session for Christmas cards. Fun and fantastic! Three boys, just like here, but no twins, and they are all older than my boys. So it’s shades of things to come for me while I hang out to take pictures. The Lan’s are really, really great- I know the mom from the boys school and from the beach, too. She is always a real rip and someone you definitely want on your side. She fights all her battles so hard and so well.

I had a great time with these boys and a great time hanging out with their mom, getting some good boy advice. It’s always welcome from someone who has been there!Img_6865sc Img_6913sc Img_6919sl (no, not all the pictures are them Img_6900x goofing around, but those are my favorites. I do have some real ones that are suitable for the card!)