
potty training

Graemehatspotty_015rc Well, here it is. My most hated part of motherhood to date. And I’m doing it again. (well, it’s not like I have a choice- I’m gonna have to do it with Timmy eventually). So, it’s time. I think he’s ready. Today is day two of full on underwear and we have only had one poopy accident and no pee accidents at all!Fortunately for me, I was out running some errands yesterday when the poop happened, so John caught that one. It’s not like I haven’t caught my fair share of that over the years though, so don’t feel too badly for John.  I am putting him on the toilet once every hour and he goes. We even got brave yesterday and ventured out to Target in underwear- of course, I brought a full change of clothers- but we didn’t need it. He is really doing awesome. Timmy is really so proud of himself in his underwear and loves wearing them. We sing the "pee-pees on the potty" song everytime he goes, and he gets a big smile and yells "I did it". Too cute. I can only hope that it is going to continue as well and that this is really it. We are doing pullups for naps (which for two days since we started have been totally dry when he wakes up) and diapers for bed still. I’m not worried about that yet. One step at a time.

I just love that little tushy in those cute character underwear. Good thing too, cause I just bought underwear in Shrek, Cars, Spiderman, Toy Story, Diego, and Disney stars. That’s a lot of underwear. Go Timmy!!Graemehatspotty_023rc