the barr family
Met this family with three handsome busy, busy boys up at Manor Park in Larchmont. It was my second shoot at this location and it was beautiful as I remembered the first time.
The family is from California originally (don’t they just LOOK like they are from Cali?) but move every three years for dad’s job. I was lucky and happy our schedules worked out. A big thank you to my friend Lois who hooked me up with this fun, fabulous bunch.
The fog was a little thick and I was apparently waiting at the wrong gazebo (who knew there were two??), but we had such a great shoot so it was all good.
The boys loved climbing on the rocks (I was honestly a little nervous, but they were fine) and exploring all over. I swear the oldest one looked like Peter Pan down on the rocks with his hands on his hips.
Mom is gorgeous. Work it!
Thank you for a fun shoot. The boys really kept me on my toes, but we got some great smiles that were all real! (a big challenge with boys sometimes).