children & families

the heal family

This family came to me through (ready for this one? It’s a little convoluted so follow along…) John’s friend Jim’s wife. The dad in the pictures is the wife’s brother and his wife saw my boys on our christmas card in her sister in law’s house and called me. Got it?

Even if you didn’t follow, you have to admit they are such a good looking family.




And this little one- so gorgeous and SO not into getting her picture taken. At all. You couldn’t tell from the pictures I got, but she cried (really cried) for most of the whole shoot. She just wasn’t having it. At all.  But I kept after her and we did squeak out a few. I mean she’s so gorgeous I couldn’t let the shoot go by without a few good ones.




Their son is a handsome devil and a great kid. He reluctantly played some guitar for me (so stinkin cute) and was just a charmer from beginning to end.




This was the last shot of our time together, and just delish!


Thanks for all your patience during the shoot. Hope you are happy with what we got (between the tears).