carolyn’s 40th birthday party
Before the end of the year, I got to photograph a surprise 40th birthday party over at the Garden City Hotel. It was a great night with lots of friends (some that I knew too), celebrating and fun. Carolyn seemed like she had a great time and really enjoyed her party. Happy 40th girl!! xo
summer baseball (yeah, you read that right)
I was (and continue to be for a little longer) sooooo woefully far behind on editing and posting in 2014, that on this snowed up day in January, you’re getting some summer baseball photos. Its kinda mean and torturey of me, I know. But wait till next week when I post the pool pictures that I never got around to either! You know how I feel about baseball, but the only bright side is that baseball=spring=no more freaking snow.
Timmy on the left, Tommy Mc. on the right.
Tommy. (the Tom half of TimTom)
Tommy & Charlotte.
I can’t with this one.
the bsquared spring 2015 calendar (thru May) is now available for booking
I’m typing this while looking out the window at the snow on the ground (bleech!!) and praying hard for spring. If you’re interested in booking a session with me anytime between now and May 2015, I’d love to get you all set up. You can find the latest bsquared calendar here. Once you know your date & time, either leave a comment here on the blog or email me at beth beyrer @ yahoo . com (no spaces). I know some of the communion session dates aren’t really sorted out yet with the timing but I’m hoping to have the times I’m available finalized this week. Looking forward to seeing all of your smiling faces!! Here are a few communion photos from last year’s sessions for your viewing pleasure.
the ricc family
Another long time bsquared family that I photographed at their home for their holiday cards. They just had the porch/front landscaping redone so we figured we’d get that in the shots as well. Its sad that they’re just so lacking in personality, huh?
the owen family
My gazillionth time photographing this favorite family and very long time clients. Love them and love watching them grow.