• graduation,  occassions & parties,  school

    audrey’s graduation party

    I had the pleasure of photographing this lovely young lady’s graduation party. I’ve known her mom for like, ever but glad I got the chance to meet her and her sister and the rest of the family (some of which I have also know for a loooooong time. This is what happens when you get old!) My other friend Christie’s (of make up by christie fame, recently featured here as well) husband and his band, Jerry & the Newcomers were playing the party so I got to see and hang out with them a bit too. This is what also happens when you live in the same town for like, ever also.

  • food

    a project that’s yum {part 12}

    I hope this project never ends because obviously I’m fed very well at the end of each session, but I also adore the chef and hanging out with her as much as possible! This go round includes (again, obviously all homemade) creme fresh, pie, salads, salad dressing, crumb cake, buttermilk & cookies, strawberry jam and french onion soup. Which, I can assure you, was all freaking fantastic!

  • children & families,  communions

    connor’s first communion

    So happy to work with this (big) family again! It’s blowing my mind how big they all are now. They’re so great-they even “redid” Connor’s communion for pictures with me because I was away at a wedding the weekend of his actual communion. I was so happy to see them all, and to see them all thriving!

  • prom,  school

    chaminade {pre}aquaprom

    When your new client is like 1 degree of separation away and you know you’ve met before, it makes things extra fun! They had a small pre-prom get together at their home before the kids left for the aquaprom. A great bunch of kids going onto college in just a few weeks (aaaackkkkk! cause here too!!). Wishing them the best going forward!