the agog family
One of Timmy’s bestest friends and his brother and sister are today’s blog post. Great kids one and all, and ridiculously photogenic too.
the nevi family
Timmy’s BFF since was 2 years old and his family are today’s featured bsquared family. They recently (this summer) moved into their new house, just a few blocks away from their old one but now closer to us which is always good. So we had to incorporate their new home into the pictures too.
There’s always one, and this year it was Michael. Oh well. Better luck to both of us next year. And Jen, my bestie, is gorgeous.
the bart girls
Another year photographing my gorgeous “nieces” for their annual holiday card. Love these girls! I think I need them to come over and do my hair for me…
the labe family
I was so excited to see this bunch of lovely girls again, and I even got to meet dad this year too. Love these fun, silly & serious girls- they are a pleasure to photograph.
the leon family
Lost count how many times I’ve photographed this fab family- they are always fun and up for an adventure. Especially when there is a football involved. Or trees to climb. Luckily, there were both this session!