• children & families

    the but family

    My second time photographing these very active, fun boys. Big thanks to their mom & dad for accommodating my crazy schedule. Love chatting with the family while photographing them and learning about what makes them all tick.

  • babies,  children & families

    the ligu family

    Hope all of you had a wonderful, full of family, good food, friends Thanksgiving. I think I will never eat again. Still in a food coma this morning but back at it- still lots of sessions to edit and cards to make. A family that I haven’t seen in a few years came back for photos this year with a whole new person included. Love their fun, outgoing, silly personalities. And the colors of the foliage that day were awesome.

  • children & families

    the walt family

    So happy to see this group again this year. We’ve come such a long way from the early days of our sessions, when they didn’t want to have anything to do with photos. Now I get laughs, joking, funny kids who still may not actually LIKE getting their photos taken but at least tolerate it. Thanks for a great, very christmasy session!!

  • children & families

    the che family

    My second year photographing this super fun bunch of boys, their mom and this year I even got to meet dad. They were my first session on a long day of minis up in Roslyn and they kicked it off just right.

  • children & families

    the harr family

    Its kinda late in the day for a blog post, but wanted to get this one in before the weekend’s craziness starts. Mom was in my office for a visit last night, so I thought this would be a nice surprise for her today. I love it when clients become more than clients- they’re actual friends! Laurie- you are awesome as a friend, client and person. Those boys of yours melt my heart every year with hugs and actual happiness to see me. Plus, the whole twin boys thing. Love you guys!

    Yeah, its a twin thing.