the sull family
Its always a (fun) adventure photographing this awesome bunch! After a few reschedules, we got together for their pictures in Central Park and it was as fun as you would think. And I have an extra soft spot for them because twins.
the felb family
Since my blog was broken for most of the day, I only posted the pictures from this session on Facebook. But now that its up and running again here’s a great family with 3 very cute and funny little ones for your viewing pleasure.
the mare family
A brand new to bsquared family that I was supposed to photograph back in June, but then Timmy had to get an emergency appendectomy so that didn’t happen. We were able to reschedule for the Central Park day thankfully, and they were super understanding about it all. Cute and busy little boys, I got my workout in with them!!
the hus family {aka the burberry princess}
One of my most longtime, favorite families to photograph and they never disappoint. The year that Miss K shows up in something other than burberry, my heart will break just a little. She is the burberry princess of Central Park. Love watching her grow up over the years and chatting with her awesome parents for our little bit of time together every year.
the zimm family {a marine corps family}
So a few years back, I joined an organization as a volunteer to take photos for active duty military families. I met a few really great families and was so excited about the project (they say ya gotta volunteer for something you love to do. Military families and photography? A win-win!) but the organization had way too many rules for me and I didn’t like the rules as they were set. Thru a friend, I got to meet a local Marine family and then they introduced me (via FB) to a bunch of other Marine families so now I have a whole line up of families to photograph in the next few months!! And with my own rules (which are way better anyway. no uniforms required for the sessions, timing is when we decide to schedule it, I can include whatever I want in their packages, etc).
It gets even better! As a thank you from all of the families I have on my schedule to be photographed they all chipped in and bought me a ticket to the Marine Corps Ball this coming Sunday! How nice is that?! So excited and can’t wait to go!
Here is the first of my Marine families and they couldn’t have been cuter or more fun! Please help me in thanking Joe and his whole family for their service to our country!
“I’m going to eat your face”. “no, thats so not happening”.
Love the crinkly nose and the hand on the chest which to me says “i just can’t”.