• children & families

    the leho family

    Another one of my favorite bsquared families. After having to reschedule due to an injury we finally got their session in the fall (we were originally scheduled for an end of summer session on their boat, which i am REALLY hoping we can do next year. Because, boat!). So good to see them and hang out for a little bit.

  • children & families,  personal,  school

    “why would they give kids raisins?!?” halloween 2014

    Sorry, but that was the best quote of the day from Timmy’s BFF Jack. Obviously, he was less than pleased with the “treat” selections at one house. Halloween was a great day (never-ending, but great) and we had lots of fun with friends trick or treating and at the annual parade at school. You can see yesterday’s Halloween scenes on the blog here if you’re so inclined.

    Here are a TON of pix of my kid and all the kids I could catch yesterday. (he wasn’t sad, just trying to be tough to go with his costume).

    James as Kane, Timmy & Chris as Ama’re.One of my most favorite teachers from school. My Chuck’s and my little friend Greyson’s chucks. Shoulda gotten a pic of us together besides our feet. There were a zillion and one Elsa’s, but this one is my favorite. And soooo pretty (she actually looks like Elsa!)This was not the raisin house. Candy break.Right before I broke into the bottle of much, much needed wine. 

  • personal

    halloween thaaaaangs & stuff

    If you are familiar with the show thats alluded to in the title of this post, you’ll know whats coming up. A few shots of my favorite things in the neighborhood for Halloween today & tonight. Pictures of the kids coming soon, just wanted to get these up tonight before I’m too drunk to function. Which should be really, really soon. (I earned my wine hard today and must’ve walked no less than 10 miles today. No, really!)

    Love everything about this spooky picture, but especially the shadowy black figure in the background.

    Every year this house does something fabulous for Halloween, usually scary guys, zombies, creepy clowns, etc. This was the first year they did anything with The Walking Dead. And if you know me at all, you know I was freaking thrilled beyond belief!! The characters look like the characters, even down to their stances. I mean check out Michonne in the background. And Carl. Rick even has his bandaged hand. And all Daryl is missing is his wings on the back of his vest. Ok, the moon isn’t from tonight but it was perfect to include anyway. So there you go. Now I’m gonna go polish off my 3rd glass of wine. Happy Halloween!

  • children & families

    the mori family

    My millionth time photographing this crew, who are amongst my best of friends. We had a lot of fun on this shoot, with lots of laughs and busting on each other. Just as it all should be…

  • senior sessions

    kayla’s senior session

    Just shot these last week (ok, as a side note I know some of you are still waiting for your galleries from your sessions 2-3 weeks ago but Kayla needs her pictures for her college application deadlines this week so I had to jump her ahead, hope you understand!) and I was sooooo happy to have a bsquared senior again. Senior sessions have quickly become one of my favorite types of shoots- they’re so much fun for me!! And I hope they’re as much fun for my subject. As you can see gorgeous Kayla is an amazing dancer, and I hope you can see what a fabulous person she is too. Best of luck on your applications/auditions Kayla!!