• organic bloom frames

    an organic bloom frame giveaway!

    Hi bsquared people! So last week out of the blue, I got an email from Jason at Organic Bloom (he’s the owner/founder) saying he’d be in New York for the weekend and we should get together for coffee. I’ve never met Jason before, but had spoken with his lovely wife and co-owner Andrea via phone and email in the past for work, so I was looking forward to meeting him. We had a nice lunch and he let me know that I am the biggest seller of Organic Bloom frames in the NY/NJ area. How cool is that? So since I have you guys, my fabulous clients to thank for my “standing”, I figured it would be good to do a little giveaway as a thank you to you! The contest is open to anyone- you don’t have to be a bsquared client to win.

    You can find all the Organic Bloom frame info on my blog here. Some samples:

    I’ll be giving away to a randomly chosen person a 16×20 organic bloom single frame- style and color of the winner’s choice. And Jason & Andrea were super generous and have thrown in a pack of 6 assorted organic bloom ornament (2×3″) frames, too. So it’ll be kinda two giveaways instead of just one. One person will win the 16×20, and one will win the pack of 6 ornament frames.

    Rules: all you have to do to enter, is shoot me an email at bethbeyrer@yahoo.com with the name of the style frame and the color you’d want. I will choose (at random) a winner on Monday 10/20. Good luck!!

  • children & families

    the mcni boys

    A super (and I do mean super!!) fast session for these boys who are the sons of one of John’s law partners. The tolerated me as long as they could manage- they are not fans of the camera. Just like their dad. But they did great- thanks boys!!

  • beach,  children & families

    the marc family

    You may remember this family from 2 other sessions I’ve had with them, and their baby boy is on my blog header (the one with the crazy good eye contact at like 2 weeks old). Well, he’s a lot bigger now, their daughter is still beautiful and filled with personality and I got to photograph them all at the beach!

  • children & families

    the crof family

    I’ve lost count how many times I’ve photographed this awesome family over the years since their little guy was born, but every year I’m so excited to see them and how big they’ve grown! The boys are always so fun to work with and I find myself smiling just as much as they do!

  • children & families,  personal,  travel

    a trip to tampa

    Luckily, we have friends that are good enough that I can basically invite ourselves to their house for a weekend visit. Which is pretty much exactly what happened. So happy to see my U of Miami friend Nate (friends for 27 years!), his fantastic wife Colleen and their gorgeous little girls at their new(ish) home in Tampa. We crashed at their house for a long weekend to sorta celebrate my birthday. Didn’t take the camera out much, but had to get a few shots for them. We had a great visit with lots of laughs, wine, range time, wine, food, wine, swimming, wine and the hot tub. And wine.

    Never believed I would have lived to see the day that this would be happening.

    A few instagram shots from the weekend. Visited our niece Rachel and Kristen at U of Tampa. Took the girls out to dinner. Nate took me to the range. Omg, so fun!! And he fixed my technique on the handgun so I was doing much better. Private Benjamin lives, reflected by an almost stroke I gave the poor guy talking about my plan to get a Tiffany blue Glock. Girls in the backseat of the Mustang convertible John rented for us.Those eyes. These are the sweetest girls I have ever met. Ever. Yes, Nate was ready to kill me. So basically nothing new to see here, move along. Miss you guys so much. We’ll be inviting ourselves back again soon…be ready.