• babies,  children & families

    the bodk family

    I’ve photographed mom of this little family (and I guess baby Brady, too while he was not born yet!) during an extended family session last year. She’s the sister/sister-in-law of some of my favorite clients, and after this session I can safely say that they are now some of my favorites too! Such great people and a baby that just does not stop smiling. Or being cute!

    I mean, come ON with that face!!

    I think his parents are just a little in love with him. Smiles all the time.Pretty much every session I do, I realize that at least one person in the family looks like a famous actor. I vote Diane Lane for mom, especially from The Outsiders. I guess someone was hungry. Loved dad’s tattoos so much, had to get them in some pictures. And it made me all happy that he was willing to do so!An updated version of the picture they took when Brady was first born. So great hanging with you guys, thanks for a great session!

  • personal

    playgroup BBQ

    Known these awesome people since Jack & Patrick were 3 months old at Gymboree. Who ever would’ve predicted that 15 years later (!!!) we’d all still be friends. Not to mention throwing another ton of kids into the mix! Ray and Maureen were nice enough to host a summer BBQ for all of us. Celeste and her girls flew up from Georgia, and the only ones missing were Maureen and her crew but they just couldn’t make it in from Michigan (luckily, 2 days later the boys and I went to Michigan to visit for a few days so we did get to see them too). Hopefully some year we’ll ALL be together again at the same time in the same place.

    The original 7. (new picture. top row: jack, patrick, beau. bottom row: molly, kerrin & ryan. old picture, the same except Connor on top left.) They still look exactly the same, only huge.

    Jack, Connor, Beau, Ryan, Kerrin, Molly & PatrickAnd in 2014, its pure chaos! From left, back row: Ali, Kerrin, Molly, Jack, Patrick, Beau, Mac, Ryan & Peyton. Middle row: Johnny, Joey, Timmy, Eli. Front row: Teddy & Luke. (not pictured in this one: Bridget)Utter chaos.We always said these two look kinda alike. The girls.The boys. The moms!! These are my girls. Love them so much!!!And a picture from Michigan. Jack, Connor, Katie, Patrick, Timmy & Spencer. 


  • children & families

    the cast girls

    One of my favorite, long time friends (thats 15 years of friendship over miles and a TON of life events) was up for the playgroup BBQ (pix on that soon) this summer and I got to do their annual pictures. Celeste was going for an “urban chic” feel- hence the pictures in the middle of the street. We had to dodge a few cars but we got it done (in record time I might add) and left for lots of fun at the BBQ. You are all fierce as hell, ladies!

  • personal

    braces be gone

    On the one month anniversary of getting them off (yes, I’m THAT behind on editing!) after 5.5 loooooooooong years of many, many appointments, I’m finally posting the before and afters of Jack & Patrick’s braces. We were all so happy to get them off. So freaking happy!!!

    Jack on the left, Patrick on the right the morning of the getting them off appointment.Last time with braces, ever.

    Jack on the left, Patrick on the right after getting the braces off. Such a difference!! I’m still getting used to it a month later. March 2009- September 2014. Jack.
    Patrick. They look like completely different people, but still sorta the same.And now we get started with Timmy. It had better not be another 5 years. I can’t take it.

  • gymnastics,  personal

    erin @ gymnastics

    Always wanted to try my hand (my lens?) at dance or gymnastics photography since I find both so much fun to watch. Luckily, my friends daughter is a gymnast so I snuck into a meet (actually 2 meets) between client sessions and got to shoot for a while. I learned some stuff- the first being this is way harder than I thought! The lighting is tough, catching the action without knowing the routine (especially on floor) is difficult, and that Erin is even more amazing to watch in person!   Vault was the first event, and I only caught that first pic- utter concentration, love it. Beam made my palms SWEAT while watching/photographing. 

    Floor is my favorite. This girl rocks it!! I, however, need to get better at capturing the big moves. She got so many medals, I lost track. (1st for floor). But I liked her expression in these.  I need more practice, but I hope you liked what I did manage to get.