• children & families,  occassions & parties,  prom

    rachel’s prom

    Ok, so its not the actual prom, but the pre prom party at Rachel’s house. Rachel is my “niece” (the quotes because we are not actually technically related), I’ve known her since before she was born. She was my first baby girl and I had soooo much fun shopping for her- all pink hearts and frilly stuff. So you could imagine that I was welling up a little behind the camera while taking these. Feels like just a few months ago (it was actually 3 years ago!) that I was photographing her brother Adam’s pre-prom party and crying a little then too. But since she’s been hocking me to freaking death for her pictures (see, she takes after her very impatient Aunt Beth), I figured I’d go ahead and get them done so I don’t get any more daily texts.

    You may remember Rachel from her senior session with me. Still gorgeous. And off to University of Tampa in just a few weeks for her freshman year!

    She is a barbie doll. Dad’s reaction to seeing her in her dress the first time was priceless.With her mom (my BFF Heidi).Little sister Erica (3 years till I’m doing this again for her!) and puppy Reef.Nanny and Poppy.Aunt Elizabeth who I also adore. Another great reaction shot!Rachel’s date and boyfriend, Chris. Ahhhh, my girl makes me sooooo proud. She takes after me so much! (I told ya if you did it, I was posting it!)And they’re off…(They had a great time at the prom, I’m told). Hope you love them Rachel! Now stop bugging me.

  • personal,  school

    end of the year pool party

    One of the families from Timmy’s class was so nice in hosting an end of the school year pool party for their class. It was a super afternoon for the boys with lots of fun, food and ridiculousness. I stopped by a little early to take some pictures (cause what else would I do!?) Thanks again Carolyn & Ed- it was great!! And it was Timmy’s first official full day off of physical restrictions from his appendectomy- a great way to celebrate!


  • occassions & parties,  weddings

    leslie & doug get married

    A brand new to bsquared couple who I was lucky enough to photograph their wedding celebration. They actually got married a few days before the reception at the Fisherman’s Catch in Pt. Lookout so we just did some portraits and some pictures at the luncheon to commemorate their special day. Their friends and family looked like they were all having a great time celebrating too. Wishing you many happy years together!!

    A few of the day’s details:

  • personal,  school

    last day of school

    Ok, so I’m trying really really hard to catch up and at least get the last day of school pictures posted before the summer is over. At least I attained one goal…

    Timmy & James on the last day of school…

    …and the first day of school (3rd grade). Crazy what a huge difference, right??
    Jack & Timmy on the last day of school……and Jack & Timmy way back in 2008 when they were about 2.5 years old. They’ve been best friends for a loooooong time. (and sorry I have no picture of them from the first day of 3rd grade but they were in different classes again this year (ahem, Colleen) and they didn’t line up close by on the first day.)Our friend Kim and her family are moving away, so I grabbed a few shots of her and Sharon and her daughter too. We will all miss you!!!And that’s what walking out of elementary school looks like on your last day there, ever. Freeeeeee!Hope you are all enjoying the summer so far. Lots more pictures to come this week, stay tuned.