introducing…baby emmy
My first time meeting mom and also beautiful baby Emmy- they were referred by my very good friend Jen. (thanks Jen!!) Spent a lovely morning with them, and even though Miss Emmy was quite reluctant to sleep for a while there, she finally settled down for a big fat nap. Even when she was awake she was never scuchy or crying. Just awake. Here are a few of my favorites from our session.
I loved how she sucked her thumb. So cute!!
the sarg family
If you’re a blog stalker (which I hope you are) I’m pretty sure you will recognize these gorgeous kiddos from their many, many past sessions with me and from the blog header above. I got to see them again this year for a session and for some communion portraits for pretty miss Mary. Even though the day went super quickly from sunny and nice to huge thunder showers (which we were lucky enough to avoid, but just barely) but I got nothing but smiles from these awesome kids!
The thousand yard stare.
jack’s first communion
Just when you thought communion season was over (ok, it technically was over and these were taken after his actual communion day, but they’re still communion pictures)… Did a mini session for a new to bsquared family with a boy with a HUGE personality. I think you’ll see that in his pictures, it was too big to hide. One more communicant to come and then communion season is really over for 2014. I think.
You’ll see a little more of this pretty little lady on the blog later this week.
Possibly my favorite communion portrait ever.
renee & josh (and melissa, too!)
A new to bsquared family/couple, but not really totally new. I went to hs with Renee. And although they are currently living in PA, they were on Long Island for a visit and their photoshoot. They have never really had professional pix before but man, they worked the crap outta the camera. And best of all? I will be photographing Renee & Josh’s amazingly fabulous wedding this fall in a to-die for venue. Cannot wait to work with them again!! They’re getting married on a lovely tropical island very, very soon so send them your very best wishes for that!
Since I haven’t been blogging a ton, I figured I’d give you lots of photos to look at from this session.
the last of timmy’s (& friends) little league season
Since Timmy had his appendix out, i think these were the last few games he played in that I took pictures at.
And yes, the blog is now baseball 24-7. Thanks for asking. I promise next week some families, children and other stuff besides only baseball.
Sometimes the light is amazing, even at a baseball field.
He played catcher for a few innings one game. Love the tongue on the pic on the right.
Timmy was catching while James was hitting. I’m still so surprised there are no pictures of them chit chatting while up there cause I know they did!!
Possibly my favorite picture I’ve taken of this kid to date.
Jack L. doing his pitching thing.
Tommy N. pitching (and hitting).
Best of friends but not my best photography work ever. Forgot to change my settings between baseball action pictures at a distance and a “portrait” upclose so Timmy’s all out of focus. But I love the feeling behind it so I couldn’t trash it. Great season, great kids, great coaches. Summer league up next for them- I’m pretty sure there will be more pictures.