• baseball,  personal

    jack & patrick baseball

    Welcome to the baseball blog. Ironic, no?

    Finally catching up on editing some pictures from the boys various games recently. They’re playing on a new team this season- the LI Nationals and they are really enjoying it. I still miss the Royals all the time, but things change. Again, ironic if you know me.

    Uniforms with their names on them- I was very excited about that!

    Patrick.At another game, the son of my clientfriends was playing on a field next to the boys. I couldn’t resist jumping over to their field (where some of the parents were craaaaazy!) to take a few of Matthew. I do not think he was happy I was there. But I did get to see him get a great hit and make a big play at home. Jack pitched.And hit.John’s friend Grant’s son played on one of the opposing teams the boys played that day.They had Patrick at first. Not sure if the coach got them mixed up (Patrick plays left field mostly) or if he wanted him there, but he did a great job.Patrick hitting.More of Timmy’s baseball soon. I really cannot believe this is turning into a baseball blog. I gotta go edit a family session, just to change it up a little!!

  • baseball,  personal

    timmy’s little league season- part 1

    Or maybe this is part 2. Like I can remember? Just go with it. A bunch of pictures from a few different games over the spring little league season of Timmy and some of his friends & teammates. More to come later this week- I’m editing in bits and pieces. By the way, the season is actually over. Timmy’s team made it  to the playoff championship game this past weekend (Timmy couldn’t play as he’s still on restricted activity after his appendectomy) which was a big to-do, but unfortunately they didn’t win. There’s always next year…

    Timmy pitching.

    And hitting. With his dad/coach in the background. On base.Tommy N concentrating hard on his next pitch.Chris B.Tommy M.Jack L. pitching.And Jack L. hitting.Thomas M.And James.(Freckles are the best.)

  • children & families,  communions

    annie’s first communion

    Pretty miss Annie celebrated her communion last month (yes, I am THAT behind) and I was glad I was able to see her and her awesome family for photos. In real life. Most of the time her mom and I chat on Facebook while we are stuck in Florida at the same time once the vacation is supposed to be over. The boys and Annie all got so big since our last session together and they are just as nice and photogenic as I remember!


  • children & families,  communions,  occassions & parties

    gabby’s first communion

    A longtime bsquared family who waited a longtime for their pictures!! Gabby’s first communion was a fantastic day and she was just a doll. Loved her dress! So glad to see the whole family again for such a special event. Due to their long wait for their gallery (most of you know it’s been crazier than normal around here), its a little bit of picture overload below so get comfy on this rainy day and check out Gabby’s special day.